Chapter 26

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"What else is on today's agenda?" asks my lou'dte kale.

"Finding a teacher or master for the young pup Torie," I say hoping that I don't offend my lou'dte kale's pride.

"What?" says my lou'dte kale with a blank expression. "Oh Paya what have I gotten myself into now," I thought in my head.

Nicole's POV

I look at La'jar with a blank expression not knowing what to think about his last comment. "I don't know what to feel hurt betrayed sad excited for my cousin? I don't know! As I'm thinking all these emotions through my head La'jar is expecting me to say more.

"No, she won't be needing a mentor or teacher La'jar I'm more than capable of teaching all the things she'll need to know," I say to him with all serious because I don't want to make a scene here.

"You won't have time for that being my lou'dte kale now, I'm only trying to suggest the option if you wish to continue her training that is," he says to me trying not to start an argument with me. "I knew then that he was right because having this new status in his culture I might not always have time to give Torie the tips she will need when she trains and these creatures have been trained since they were born. Not that Torie hasn't been trained by me since she was little, but... what chance will she have if I continue teaching her the way i am now. I hardly have enough time to teach her anything, and on top of that I'm mostly away which kills me on the inside." I thought in my head as I sighed only now realizing that La'jar was right... "Torie would need a teacher or mentor" as he says. I looked up at La'jar and then at Torie who slipped away from me to admire the inside of the temple and then looked back at him and nodded my head agreeing.

This is the inside of the temple:

This is the inside of the temple:

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