2nd book!!! Is out!!!

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The second book is called:




*Choosing a Yautja Mate*

Sneak peak of book two:

Growing up you wouldn't have guessed that I knew how to shoot, hunt, or even defend myself, many people back on Earth never would've thought that I would have survived there out in the cold harsh world of Alaska, but had it not been for my cousin who I consider my mother, I never would've made this far. After all that both my cousin and I have been through together in our lives it's a wonder how we survived back on Earth. Even as a child of Earth I was born and raised there for the beginning of my life time never would I have guessed that my cousin and our now growing family would ever get to see the universe. After how many kids Nicole has it's a wonder why she stopped though the ruffians have had their share of siblings as they do siblings. I remember when neveah was just a baby and now *sniffle* she's little girl! Wah! Why did she have to grow up? Why couldn't she just stay little like she's suppose to and don't even get me started on her brothers and sisters! They are all so little and way to many of them how Colie managed to have so many where as the rest of the women around here usually have one or three is way beyond my understanding. With everything that has happened to Nicole and I what more could we ask for? Nicole gets her family, Allie is living her own life, and me well that's for me to decide and for me to make my own decision. Though we have suffered and lost many things within our lifetime for it being so short we always survive, and strive to keep on living. That's what my cousin taught me but I'm getting ahead of myself now aren't I? My name is Victoria Grace Morgan and this is my story of how I chose a Yautja as my mate.

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