Chapter 48

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"And what reason would that be," I ask her as I come to sit down with her as I wipe off the sweat I have with a towel.

"I need your help with picking baby names for your future nephews and before you say anything I already talked with my mate Clan leader Guan-thwei, and he agreed that we can come up with four names and he'll pick the best two for our future sons." she says as she grabs my hands smiling as wide as I am right now.

"You mean I get to help you pick out names for my future nephews?" I ask getting excited and she nods her head smiling. "This should be good," I thought in my head while smiling at the same time.

Nicole's POV

So I found out how my mother's parents meet, and they meet when my grandmother was out hunting one day and stumbled upon my pops that's what I'm calling my grandfather since both him and my great grandfather have the same name. Anyway my pops would tell me how he was surprised that she wasn't afraid of him and that she was a great hunter as well. He told me how they became closer and later on they became mates and had my mother which surprised my grandfather since he wasn't expecting my grandmother to get pregnant but my mother came into the picture he even showed me what my mother looked like when she was a baby in black and white.

This is the picture:

I laughed as I saw the picture he really didn't know how to hold a baby well I know who I'm not calling to babysit my children

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I laughed as I saw the picture he really didn't know how to hold a baby well I know who I'm not calling to babysit my children. He looked at me like I was crazy, and wondering why I was laughing.

"My poor mother! Maybe it was better that you didn't help raise her as a baby," I say wiping the stray tears from my laughing.

"That is as you Earthlings say harsh," he said getting offended as he crossed his arms and turned away from me.

"Not my fault you don't know how to hold a baby!" I say still laughing and falling into Stella as she laid on the floor.

"KI' CTE! No making fun of your Elder didn't your mother at least teach you that?" he said as he glared at me and then I got up and glared at him.

"No because she never got the chance to it was my Aunt who became my new mother figure after her death it was Allie. but she was taken away to be a lou'dte kale as well. So if you're wondering how I managed? I had to be the role model for my Aunt's youngest daughter Torie. I raised her as if she were my daughter so the next time you want to bring up my mother or anybody who raised me don't." I say in a deadly tone and staring him down not dealing with his bullshit.

"I am sorry I didn't mean in offence," he said apologizing to me.

"Not your fault I'm being hormonal with this pregnancy," I say to him as I look down at my swollen stomach that makes me look four and half months pregnant. How I know is because of my Aunt Olivia she was four months pregnant with Torie, and she had all kinds of cravings.

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