Chapter 35

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"Shall we La'jar?" she says as she comes in front of me and liking my speechless response.

"You are going to be my undoing lou'dte kale," I say to her and she laughs at me while make our way to meet with other Teachers and mentors.

Nicole's POV

I would be lying if I said that I wasn't nervous, but I had to put up a strong front for Torie's sake. I didn't want her new instructor to think that I'm weak so I decided to wear something that I thought said 'warrior' while showing off my markings as this clans Lou'dte kale. I hope I make a good impression if I made a bad one I wasn't so sure if I could forgive myself for embarrassing myself, Torie, or La'jar and his clan. Then I feel La'jar wrap one of arms against my waist as I walked close to him being around him always comforted me to no end especially when he purred.

"You will be fine," he says as he comforts me.

"I hope so," I say as we walk into together I noticed many strong warriors and hunters alike both old and new. Two of the older Yaytjan looked at me with distaste trying to intimidate. Sad to say to them that I've already had looks like theirs before so I'm immune to it then naturally. The other two Yautjan who looked to be a bit older than La'jar were like trying to present their best students hoping we would take notice to them more, the fifth was nowhere to be found huh wonder who it is Oh, well probably didn't want to teach a human anyway. I looked at La'jar and he looked back at me as I stepped away from him to examine all of the candidates. I could tell just by looking at someone in the eyes what there character was like and how they reacted when in a fight. That was one of my many gifts when I was in a fight other than being a sharpshooter I could hold my own when fighting. I always had a keen eye for guessing an opponent's next move thanks to my uncle Robert. I examined everyone each student with their instructor I would look at the students up and down while secretly using my peripheral vision to spot the teachers staring at me staring me down. I held my head high I always worked well under scrutiny, and intimidation. Most of the young males were well built but not what I was looking for when it came to their character many were nervous even if they didn't show it on their faces I could easily see it in their eyes. I wanted to see other students so I turned to my mate La'jar as he seemed to tilt his head at me as if asking if something was wrong.

"Where are your other pupils or students?" I ask them all. They all seemed surprised by my request especially La'jar but he stayed silent the whole time as he watched me handle it.

"BAH! Rubbish! why would need to see our other pupils? There is no need when we have our best here!" says one Yautjan that has red scales with Green eyes and long black tendrils adorned with gold rings. He had a strong build but his eyes told a different, a fine hunter indeed he was good at tracking and great at close range fights but he lacked aim when using far range attacks to kill your prey, and he lacked balance when it came to fighting.

"Indeed, we brought our best can't you make a decision just by looking at them?" countered another much older Yautjan who looked almost as old an Elder but he wasn't quite there his Tendrils were starting to turning a dark grey. He had Dark blue scales but his eyes were a stormy green, His posture and eyes spoke experience but lack for following orders and didn't do well with respect.

"Sei-i, I agree with Hab'aski and Mur'dor, it would be a waste if we brought the others along here. What would we gain from it?" said the third Yautja, his physique a little bit thinner than La'jar's but he looked to be easily eight feet tall. "So the first is Hab'aski and the second one is Mur'dor, good to know," I thought in my head at this new information.

"Why is it such a problem to bring all of your pupils here? I thought you would all jump at the idea to show off all you know by not only having you best pupils here but the rest of your students here as well. Is it not an honor for you to have us see how far all of your pupils have come?" I ask them while challenging them. The three before bristled at my words and growled at me still trying to intimidate me, but I wasn't going to have an arrogant or weak teacher for my cousin. I raised Victoria to well for her to not have a great teacher or mentor. La'jar stood there still not interfering but watching everything unfold, the students or pupils had stepped away from their Mentors and stayed behind them instead I could see the students uneasiness at the whole situation as they watched most of their Mentors bristing at my response.

"What would you know of honor Ooman? You are not blooded, let alone a fighter or a hunter, what would you know of our ways? You are just here to create the next heir for your clan leader La'jar. What would teaching an Ooman pup of our ways help you in any way? What would be the cause you kind is weak that is why they are called soft meat. None of this would benefit us," said the fourth Yautja in a calm manner. The first three Yautjan nodded their heads agreeing with the fourth yautja he had long black tendrils around La'jar's height, but was bulkier than him. His scales were a Dark green and his eyes were a deep brown, I could see he not only had experience, but was smart as well. He knew how to speak and if I had to guess, and hate to say it but he would most likely be the best candidate so far... His stature said he was a well equipped hunter and knows how to handle his own when he enters the ring.

"And might I ask you name?" I ask him as he glares at me.

"You answer me first why do you want to need a mentor to teach your cousin how to fight or hunt it's obvious you already know those things." says the fourth Yautjan which causes me to smirk at him since he was the only one interested in my cousin.

"Ha this Ooman? She just a child maker, a female Ooman, a soft meat." says the third Yautja. I was about to say something when Tri'ste comes inside and a younger Yautja follow closely behind him the Yautja behind him looked no older than 5 and if I had to guess. The other Yautjan's pupils looked fifteen at the least!

"Sorry I'm late!" says Tri'ste I then glare at my mate now knowing why he is here.

"Out of all the Yautja, you choose Tri'ste as one of the candidates?" I say gritting my teeth and looking up at my my mate anger filled my being. "Why would he would even consider him in the first place. Doesn't he remember that Tri'ste was the reason why he was in a coma, and why Torie had to go in the hospital too? I don't care if he was testing how I would handle the situation but my distaste for Tri'ste ran deep? o-ho-ho-ho-ho it ran deeper than deep." I thought in my head angrily.

"Trust me when I say he wasn't any of my choices I only looked at the first three thinking the choices would be alright R'ka chose the last two," My mate admits to me guiltily but also looks at Tri'ste with distaste well at least we agree that Tri'ste was not going to be a candidate for Torie.

"We'll talk about it later," I say to my mate as I pinch the bridge of my nose frustrated that Tri'ste was here and look at the other four.

"To answer your question mysterious-" I start but I'm cut off by Tri'ste.

"Oh come now Nicole you know I'm not stranger to you," he says clearly flirting and getting on my nerves. La'jar just growls at him while glaring daggers.

"Enough out of you Tri'ste, or do I need to remind you of what happened the last time you pissed me off?" I ask challenging him to even dare pick a fight while glaring my own daggers at him, he just raises his hands up as if surrendering.

"No need for hostility Lou'dte kale Nicole, I promise to be on my best behavior," he says as he bows to me and La'jar in a joking manner.

"You better be, The rest of you are dismissed and I expect you to do as my lou'dte kale says if you don't want the same outcome that happened to Tri'ste," says La'jar as he smirks the four of them. All of them look between Tri'ste and me as if not believing La'jar but Tri'ste just nods his as he calls for the young pup to follow him. "This was going to be a long day..." I thought in my head gravely.

Author Crissillis: Hi my beautiful Readers! WANTED TO SAY THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOU WORDS OF INSPIRATION AND COMMENTS THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!! XD XP XD XP and don't forget to review on what you think so far! XD XP

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