Chapter 10

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La'jar's POV

I'm currently waiting for the arrival of my lou-dte kale since I was told that she was done getting ready by the one called Aaeesha. I have my top warrior Ikthya-de he has pale scales with brown stripes and dark brown leopard spots as the oomans would call it, Centanu my top hunter he had asked if he could accompany us which is weird for my kind but I let him, and my Second in command R'ka who are accompanying me to Guan-thwei's Ship. We all make our way to the docking area when I see my lou-dte kale standing there in a true Yautja warrior armor and for some reason I feel my nether regions tighten and my armor feeling warmer than usual. And her hair was up in multiple beautiful braids that held a few golden rings woven into her hair and her baring the markings as my chosen lou-dte kale.

She looks absolutely stunning in my eyes I have yet to tell her my name and for her to tell me hers as well but how do I start it off. I'm completely clueless when it comes to females especially ooman females and mine is no different just because she is a hunter does not mean she's any more difficult than these other ooman females that are aboard this vessel I mean for paya sake she was able to escape my grasp, hold her ground against a foe, and be protective over the little pup that's with her now that's a female I can respect.

"Hello La'jar I have brought your lou-dte kale," says Aaeesha bowing in respect to me and leaving me with me with my lou-dte kale to look up at me with those striking beautiful eyes that can bring any male of my kind down to their knees. My lou-dte kale looks into my eyes with defiance I chuckle at her antics of superiority and motion for her and the little pup that's with her to follow me. As we walk she stays behind me and I see Centanu by the pups side, with R'ka by my lou-dte kale's side and Ikthya-de behind my lou-dte kale and the pup.

As the cargo door opens for me, my lou-dte kale and the pup that's with her, along with my chosen tribe members who I have asked to accompany me. I see the one that's called Allie along with her mate Guan-thwei and his SIC Ser'vīn along with his top warrior Wëg'gŌr.

You can feel the tension that's in the air but when my lou-dte kale, the pup that was with her, and Guan-thwei's lou-dte kale see they run to each other with tears in their eyes but Guan-thwei stops his mate named Allie and it seems my lou-dte kale sees this and grabs the little pup by the arm and glares at Guan-thwei not trusting him. The little pup seems to understand that there is some tension and goes behind my lou-dte kale.

"Is this how the clan leader's lou-dte kale treats their hosts?" says Guan-thwei with a glint in his eyes only for it to be removed when his lou-dte kale hits him in the gut.

"You forget ag'ape that you are also talking about your family with disrespect rather than showing them respect that you promised," says Allie glaring at her mate like how my lou-dte kale.

"Please Excuse my mate for his rudeness towards you all, he isn't quite use to the union that you bring to all of us soon," says Allie "what is she talking about?" I think in my head.

"This union shouldn't even be happening," mutters Guan-thwei earning another glare from his mate if looks could kill he'd be dead already.

"Ok can someone please explain to me what is going on?. . ." asks my lou-dte kale looking lost. "Pauk I forgot to mention to her that she's my lou-dte kale, and what it means to be my lou-dte kale," I think in my head.

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