Chapter 67

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"I love you my Lou'dte kale Nicole," I say as she smiles at me and holds my face with both of her hands.

"And I love you Clan Leader La'jar as not only my mate but the father of children and hopefully many more to come." and caused me to chuckle at her.

"And how many pups do you want my Lou'dte kale?" I asked her as she smiles up at me thinking for a bit but then comes to a decision as she smiles at me.

"Hmm good question La'jar but as you should know something about me and it's that I want a big family," she said as she straddled me and wrapped her arms around me giving me a sexy smirk as I growled in pleasure.

"Is that so my Lou'dte kale? Well I can most definitely help you out with that." I say as we made love to one another a few more times before sleep overtook us.

Nicole's POV


The rapid pounding of the door made jump in surprise I was beyond exhausted from last night's activities La'jar to also have been woken up by the sudden interruption of our wonderful sleep.

"Ugh it's too early for this," I complained as I tried to drown out the constant pounding against the door.

"*growl* what now?" said La'jar as he growled frustrated from his lack of sleep, as he put on his loincloth that was scattered on the floor with the rest of our cloths.

"Tell them to go away," I groaned as the constant knocking continued and I started to feel sick to my stomach and rushed myself to the bathroom that was provided for us and started puking my guts out. I groaned as I flushed the puke away trying to not smell it since it would only cause me to puke even more.

"Nicole?" called La'jar as I gave him an answer when I puked again and felt so sick that I wa lying on my side now on the floor groaning because my stomach hurt and something to settle it.

"Nicole?...Do you need me to get you anything?" asked La'jar as he went to go grab a cloth and wet it as he placed it on my forehead to cool it off.

"Just my robe and something to settle my stomach is all," I said as I looked at and the sat up right away as I puked even more as La'jar left to not only hand me my robe but left to get something to settle my stomach. "UGH! CURSE MORNING SICKNESS!" I thought in my head as I kept puking again!

After fifteen minutes Allie came in with Torie, Neveah, and her little boys to see how I was fairing. Torie was beyond worried as she tried to help me in any way she could and would multi task as she would make sure that all of the little ones were ok in their playpen while she helped Allie with trying to cool off my body that was sweating immensely. Which is weird since I was never this way when I had Neveah and I hardly ever got sick and when I did I usually overcame it within two days.

I could barely hear what Allie was saying a she gave Torie ome orders and she left in a hurry as Allie tried to help me in anyway she could.

"Hang... Nic... coming" I could barely make out what Allie was saying as La'jar came in and noticed Allie and that I was worse. Allie seemed to be yelling at La'jar as they both argued, but I could care less what they were arguing about I just wanted la'jar by my side.

"La...jar..." I said weakly as I reached my hand out to him as my vision was slowly blacking out.

"... Nicole... my Lou'dte kale," said La'jar as he kneeled beside me and tried to smooth my messy, sweaty hair. Torie coming inside with what looked to be a healer from his lack of armor as he did his normal examinations of me and said something in a grave tone but I couldn't hear what he was saying as I felt my body turn cold and sweat build up even more as I kept tossing and turning from being uncomfortable.

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