Chapter 11

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Guan-thwei POV

"Never in all of my years of knowing La'jar have I heard him talk so much... emotion it's not like our kind to do such a thing, and for me to hear La'jar say something so meaningful it reminded me of when I had found my lou-dte kale," I think in my head. I nod my head to him understanding where he is coming from.

"Ki'sei, I remember feeling the same way about my lou-dte kale. I asked you the question because you know that the female you chose to be your lou-dte kale is related to my lou-dte kale," I explain myself to him he seems to be surprised to say the least.

"What do you mean our lou-dte kale's are related how?" he asks confused.

"They are cousins my lou-dte kale's dam and your lou-dte kale's sire are full blooded brother and sister," I explain to La'jar.

"What... ?" says La'jar astonished at the news I gave him.

Alexis's POV (aka Allie)

"So I see that La'jar has made you his lou-dte kale," I say to my cousin Nicole with a smirk on my face.

"Who?" She asks me with confusion. "Ah! He didn't even get on first name basis with her figures she doesn't even know anything! Shoot she probably doesn't even know why she is even here!" I think in my head.

"La'jar the one that calls you his lou-dte kale," I say to her with a smile on my face. The look on her face says on of total disgust and confusion.

"Why does he call me that and why was I chosen by him? I have so many questions Allie and I hope you can at least answer all of them," says Nicole. I chuckle at her nervousness, "wait till she's mated to La'jar that's the real test that's if she accepts him first off," I think in my head.

"I'll try to answer all of your questions Nicole to the best of my ability, but I will warn you, you will have many challengers that will question your role, and your standing so it's best if you speak the Yautja language first since I know you know how to hold your ground, and fight," I smile with pride since I was the one to teach her how to fight in the first place.

"Challengers? Role I play? What?" she asks me completely confused.

"All will make sense in time but for now we feast, and I'll tell you what's edible here since it took me a while as well," I say trying to ease her nerves she looks confused at me as we arrive to the feasting area.

Her eyes widen at how vast the place looks especially I had the same reaction when i saw how much food they had ready.

"Oh my god.... How?" she looks at me astonished at how much food there is along with my little sister Torie who comes between us and gapes at how much food there is.

"Come I'll show you some of my favorites," I say to them as I go the Ettos, Shriiness, and Jeggess that are at the higher ranks table such as the top warriors, SIC's and clan leaders sit with their lou-dte kale's.



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"This nothing like the food we see on Earth

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"This nothing like the food we see on Earth... Is it safe to eat?" Asks Torie coming to the table and sitting on Nicole's lap who is sitting on my left side.

"Yes Torie it is here try some Shriiness it's a lot like fish back home and Nicole you should try the Ettos it's a lot like enchiladas that you are use too I say handing them both the plates. Nicole looks a little skeptical and Torie is poking her food I laugh internally at the scene, "I remember when I refused to eat anything that did look like human food for an entire week. My Agape was scared out of his mind that he actually sent a ship to bring me some human food that I could eat and was happy to see me eat the familiar food." I think in my head. I then see Nicole take the first bite of her Ettos a little nervous at first but as soon as she bit into it her whole face lit up and she down her three Ettos like as if it was the last meal she was ever going to have. Torie sees Nicole eating her food and takes a bite out her Shriiness and her whole face lights up just like Nicole and downs the food like it's water.

"Take it easy you two don't choke," I say as I hand Nicole out finest wine, and torie some fruit juice so they have something to drink while they eat I had something to eat earlier so I'm eating some Jeggess for now. Then their faces light up at the sweetness of their drinks Nicole seems to notice that her drink is strong and only takes small sips while Torie drinks hers.

"I take you all are enjoying yourselves?" asks my mate Guan-thwei coming to sit next to me while Nicole's soon to be mate La'jar sits next to her.

"Indeed we are Agape," say as I kiss his cheek.

Nicole and Torie look at me funny like something is wrong with me but they are going to have to come to terms that Guan-thwei is my husband now and we are planning on having pups since I've finished my chiva.

"So you are ok with him?" Nicole points to my mate skeptically.

"Are you ok with La'jar," I counter to her, "ha take that," I think in my head. She turns to look at him hard then turns to me and says, "I haven't decided yet" now this catches my attention.

"Didn't he ask to take you with him?" I ask her now enraged that he just took her without even asking.

"No he just took me!" she says to me and this causes me to glare at La'jar.

"You didn't ask her?" I say glaring at him.

"I tried but she just took off without even giving me a chance," says La'jar defending himself.

"So she resisted..." I say my rage subsiding "you see If a female resists a male yautja, the males take it as a challenge for them to prove themselves to the female they've picked by chasing after them since they take it as a challenge," I think in my head.

"Is it wrong to resist?" asks Nicole looking annoyed.

"Yes it is Nicole," I say in a more serious tone.

"Why I wasn't go-" I cut her off.

"It is because the male Yautjan's take it as a challenge to prove themselves to the female they've chosen," I explain to her. She sits there staring at me and bows her head cursing under breath.

Guan-thwei, La'jar and I all laugh at her for not realising it. "Aye my cousin," I think in my head.

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