Chapter 39

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"Well done my lou'dte kale, but it's going to take more that your nerve attacks to take me down as I charge her," I say as I swipe my spear towards her and draw blood on right arm, but oh she expected my move and stabs her spear of the floor and launches herself full force like a slingshot and kicks my chest knocking me out of the ring.

"Not bad my mate, but it's going to take more than experience to take me down," Says Nicole as she makes her way towards me with Torie praising her.

"You surprise me everyday," I say as I get up and put my spear away.

Nicole's POV

After I had trained for I'd say a good few hours Torie was exhausted after one she was still a kid and I didn't want to push her too much or strain her, so I said that she could walk a few laps around the training area until I was done training. I was breathing hard from the hard work out with La'jar he taught me a few new moves in fighting and I showed him what I was taught from my Uncle Robert. I even told him how the nerve techniques worked on humans vs Yautjan . He was amazed how I knew where his weak points without knowing the Yautja anatomy that well. I admitted that there were some similarities in physique but because of how often he trained and how hard he worked at his techniques the nerve techniques would only be useful when slowing down my Yautja opponent rather than paralyzing them.

"Interesting," he says thinking about what I said over.

"I know it isn't much but it definitely has its uses when fighting an opponent who trains 24/7." I say chuckling and he seems to find it funny as well.

"Do not bring yourself down my lou'dte kale, you are a fine fighter indeed, but how well are you at hunting?" La'jar asked me and I give a smirk wondering if he is challenging me to a hunt.

"Depends on what's game," I ask him smirking and challenging his comment.

"This hunt will determine if you will be blooded or not," he says and this causes the question to rise in my head as I remember Tri'ste saying something similar to what La'jar said.

"What do you mean by blooded?" I ask him now wondering if it matters if I'm blooded or not I mean I know I have blood but what is blooded?

"Blooded is our way as you Oomans call having citizenship," he explains to me and I nod my head understanding this ordeal with his citizenship.

"Oh, so how does it work then," I ask him since I know Torie will want to do this citizenship to when she's older.

"You will have to kill a kiande amedha, also known for your language a xenomorph, they are extremely dangerous and are more than capable of killing my kind as well." he tells me with all seriousness. Torie is holding onto me and is shaking when she she hears about those things.

*kiande amedha: hard meat/ Xenomorph*

"What kind of citizenship is that? Am I going to be the only one on the hunt?!" I say to him now nervous that the thing I have to hunt will also kill me!

"You will not be the only one on the hunt, there will be other unblooded or young bloods that will be joining you on this hunt. After all kiande amedha have been defeated in your area me and the other clan leaders will mark you and the other unblooded as blooded warriors." he says as he reassures me and I nod my head to him.

"That still doesn't make me feel better though," I tell him crossing my arms and staring him dead in the eye.

"You will be fine after all you have already defeated Tri'ste in battle and me when we spared," he says trying to cheer me up. I hate that it's working but I looked at Torie and she was off running around and trying to follow the lines on the tile floor of the temple.

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