Chapter 27

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"You ready Torie?" I say to her as I look myself over again and smile at the out come with the dress and braids. "I look good!" I thought in my head.

"And La'jar won't be able to keep his hands off of you the entire banquet! Watch I bet he's going to have you sit on his lap the entire evening!" dreams my subconscious.

"Dream all you want but Torrie sticks with me no matter what," say to my subconscious as she groans out of annoyance.

"Ready when you are colie!" She says as she grabs my hand and we both walk out together to the banquet hall.

La'jar's POV

I was finally done with the preparations for Nicole and the pup Torie's Physical exams that they would go through after the banquet, since in order for this procedure to work it requires our Lou'dte kale's and the pup Torie to eat before going through with the whole physical.

As I was making my way to the room that Nicole and Torie were residing it was only temporary for Nicole but the room was meant for the young Pup Torie because Nicole and I would have a room of our own to ourselves. Of course I made sure to make the pups room was close to my own where Nicole and I would reside, for Nicole's sake of a calm mind. Then the door to Nicole and Torie's quarters opens and out reveals the little pup full of excitement as she lets go on Nicole's hand runs up to me twirling in her little black two piece gown that is sleeveless on one side and her hair is in braids in the shape of a bun.

"What do you think," says Torie beaming up at me as she shows off her dress.

"You look... very pretty," I say thinking of the right words to use for one so small as her and pretty much the only female pup in a long time. The young pup is in a fit of laughters as she giggles and runs around me and goes back to her cousin. Once I look at Nicole there are no words to describe her beauty If I thought her beautiful in the dress before the way she looks now doesn't come close to comparison of how she looks now. The black dress emphasized her womanly curves and breasts greatly while slimming her waist all the more making her figure wider than what it really was before. Don't even get me started on how she did her braids they remind me so much of how our female Yautjan use to dress their tendrils, to me she looked memorizing, a temptress, heck even a seductress creeping into the night ready to claim her next victim.

"Now that you've judged Torie, what do you think on my outfit?" she ask with a hooded look in her eyes as Torie held onto her right side Nicole gently rubbed the pup's head with her right hand gently caressing her as she smiled down like a mother would.

I cleared my throat as I tried everything in my power not to jump my lou'dte kale right then and there and not take to the banquet at all where they are holding the feast and just have all to myself.

"You look extraordinary my lou'dte kale, shall we?" I say as I offer my right arm to escort her to the banquet and she gladly takes it, when her cousin releases her and walks close beside Nicole and I as we make our way to the banquet.

*Time skip*

We were finally at the banquet I could feel Nicole tense up as we were nearing the banquet hall.

"No need to be so tense, you and you cousin are safe here no one in my clan would hurt you or the pup you have with you, you are safe," I say nuzzling her as she calms down a bit Torie seems to be more excited than anything else and Nicole notices this as well and chuckles as she looks at her cousin.

"I wish I had her optimism," says my little mate.

"You do, you just don't realize it yet," I say to her when we are finally here at the banquet.

"Clan leader La'jar! And his Lou'dte kale!" shouts everyone in my clan as they raise their drinks and stand when we enter. I make my way to my chair and there is a smaller yet wider chair for my lou'dte kale and the pup sits next to Nicole. There are plate everywhere filled with food from everywhere in the galaxy, and even here on Yautjan Prime. I raise my cup filled with c'nlip one of our finest drinks and very potent to Oomans. Which is exactly I took the liberty to give my lou'dte kale and the pup water and juice as their drinks and not C'nlip.

*C'nlip: alcoholic beverage*

"La'jar, Vüdt'rä büskō ven'sel'in Pül'chrää soü'yō lou'dte kale, usō ne'we, te've re'süs'sō kee'ne'te mäyō'li've," says Tri'ste my older cousin from my father's side who is very intoxicated and causing a ruckus to those around him.

*Pül'chrää: Beautiful*

Translation for Tri'ste: LA'jar you never told us how beautiful your lou'dte kale was, if I had know, I would have taken her for myself!"

"Yo nee se've te lou'dte kale se'vo soü'yō," I say to wanting to put up with him when he acts this way I'm not cleaning up his mess this time and if he takes any steps towards my lou'dte kale I'm not hesitating to smack some sense into him.

Translation for La'jar: "Maybe I wanted to keep my lou'dte kale away from you,"

This is Fa'li'sio:

This is Fa'li'sio:

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"Jab'be dus regh'ris na'fuw fe'gu'if wung fa huv," he says trying to get a reaction out of me but I'm not giving him any he is just trying to goat me like he always does.

Translation for Tri'ste: "No need to be stingy La'jar sharing is caring isn't it? As the Oomans say?"

"Idhi fwa'hō'gre lou'dte kale pi'fre hgei," I say to him while glaring but continue to not be provoked, he's looking for a fight but he won't find one with me I won't risk my lou'dte kale or the pup that she cares for it's not the Yautjan way.

Translation for La'jar: "Yes but my lou'dte kale isn't up for shares."

"Sni'gh ri gri'ce'mge nue urh lou'dte kale gurh rw'wuh rub'ge euba," he says as he glares at me with a sneer.

Translation for Tri'ste: "But that's how you feel let's see how you lou'dte kale feels about it shall we?"

As he gets up from his seat and makes his way to my- NO! He wouldn't! If he so much as lays a hand on my lou'dte kale his punishment is worse than death!" I thought in my head as I watch him his way to Nicole but doesn't lay a claw on her he just hovers over her as if trying to intimidate her. Now he tries to woo her with his purrs and showing off his muscles, but she doesn't budge at any of his antics which promotes my pride in my lou'dte kale for being faithful. Then he turns to- Oh no! he wouldn't! Nicole looks at me confused but then she sees where my eyes are trained and before even she can react he grabs the pup Torie in a bone crushing grip.

"TORIE!!!" Yells Nicole in utter shock and disbelief at what Tri'ste is doing to her cousin.

"AAAHHH! Colie!" screams Torie as tears fall from her face. At once Nicole goes to grab cousin but Tri'ste is tricky he squeezes Torie wrist even more and Nicole stops in her track immediately looking helplessly at her cousin not knowing what to do for the first time in forever in all that I've seen her.

"Tri'ste you are going to pay for that!" I thought in my head as I brought out my spear to do battle with him. 

Author Crissillis: Please let me know what you think in the comments and I loved this chapter so suspenseful! XD XP Bye for now my lovely readers! XD XP

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