Chapter 28

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"TORIE!!!" Yells Nicole in utter shock and disbelief at what Tri'ste is doing to her cousin.

"AAAHHH! Colie!" screams Torie as tears fall from her face. At once Nicole goes to grab cousin but Tri'ste is tricky he squeezes Torie wrist even more and Nicole stops in her track immediately looking helplessly at her cousin not knowing what to do for the first time in forever in all that I've seen her.

"Tri'ste you are going to pay for that!" I thought in my head as I brought out my spear to do battle with him.

Nicole's POV

I watched helplessly as this random Yautja who came out nowhere grab Torie right next to me while I was exchanging looks with La'jar. I noticed the change in behavior from La'jar when the Yautja spoke to him in his native tongue. I watched how La'jar tensed up when the random Yautja made his way to me, and let me tell you, La'jar was pissed. You could tell in the way his body language changed he bristled when this yautja tried to intimidate me, but then this new Yautja tried a different tactic to get me to notice him. I swear he's acting like a child who doesn't get what he want all the time, the random Yautja tired purring as if saying he was sorry for the way he acted but I wasn't having any of it. I wasn't going to let this Yautja intimidate me in front of my little cousin all she knew about me was a strong independent young women who went through thick and thin for her cousin no matter the cost. I look over as La'jar to see what he thought about all of this but he had seemed to be confident in how I was handling everything that is until he looked at the Yautja again and his eyes widened when looked off to the side of me... "NO!" I thought in my head as I realized who La'jar was looking at. But I was too late to react the Random Yautja grabbed Torie by her wrist and pulled her out of my reach.

"Torrie!" I shout trying to reach out to her but the Yautja squeezes her wrist even more and causes my little cousin to scream out in pain.

""AAAHHH! Colie!" screams Torie as tears fall from her face. I stand there helpless for the first time in my life watching on as my cousin in being tortured and in pain. "What do I do? what can I do? How am I going to get Torie free and away from him!?" I thought in my head frantically.

"Tri'ste, noc'je eh'ga biv'o gro'ba vei bin'jo nan'dke! Gad'ju nov'ke ha'ge viro ec'en'nke iffa dohrin vrig'se!" says " Yells La'jar who gets out of his seat and has his spear ready and pointing at the random Yautja.

Translatiion for La'jar: "Tri'ste, that is enough! You have tested my patients for the last time! If you want to act like a pup then so be it!"

The Yautja that I'm guessing is Tri'ste sneers evilly at La'jar and throws Torrie to the side while being thrown all the way across the room her head hits against the hard floor, and I don't waste another second to go to Torie's aide and see how bad the damage is. She unconscious right now but her head is bleeding badly. Some of the other Women in room run over to Torie and I with towels and water so they can try to wake her up I'm so worried about Torie, that I didn't even see it when there was a dagger thrown near us at the time and it almost hit my head the other women try to usher me away but I push them off not wanting to leave Torie. Many of the Male Yautja go to protect their mates and another carries Torie.

"Come Lou'dte kale, we take her to get help," he says with his broken English and I just nod numbly.


Goes a frightening roar, only for me to see La'jar with many cuts and breathing heavily, the other Yautja isn't in any better shape if anything he's worse than La'gar. Both had stopped using their weapons and armor, and were now fighting hand to hand combat both were breathing heavily but neither wanted to give in. I watched in amazement at how well La'jar was fighting it almost looked like an art in a way, the way he moved deflecting Tri'ste's punches and kicks they were both so light on their feet. Just when La'jar was going in for the win Tri'ste pulls out a black dagger from behind him and stabs La'jar on his side where his vital organs are.

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