Chapter 14

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previously on La'jar's POV

"I am amazed at how well your female has taken care of the pup that does not even belong to her, and taught her all those things while being in her custody. You have a special female indeed... Don't change her La'jar, embrace her, she wants what's best for not only her but those around her. She has good intentions for those around her and will not hesitate to stand up for those around her, don't mess that up." says Guan-thwei as he goes to greet his mate I stand there contemplating on what he's has told me we the Yautja race were taught to be great hunters and to respect our elders at all costs and the ways of the hunt in Nature. "Never have I ever thought that our traditions would change with our race dying out because we had failed to keep a close eye on our females and having to be with Oomans I was repulsed by the near idea of it in the beginning that is until I met my mate... Nicole was her name. I later heard from Guan-thwei what the meaning of her name meant, which had actually suited her in more ways than one. Nicole, the meaning of Strong, protective, free in spirit, and yet loving to those around them that they trust. It reminds me of most female lou-dte kale's that are Yautja many became strong warriors and fine huntresses, as well as great mother's to their young. For me to find that in a Ooman female was extremely rare in many cases I was happened to stumble upon her by chance and I didn't even mean to find an Ooman mate I was planning on giving it to my Second in command R'ka after the council had told me to pick a mate or give the title to your SIC. After Finding Nicole in harsh conditional weather and finding out how well she could be on her own. I told the Elders of her and they were pleased to hear me take an interest in her, and had asked why I didn't take her with me I had told them that my female was not of age yet to be claimed, but would be in four more season. When they had heard at how young she was they had their doubts about her being inexperienced with everything. I had defended her honor then and told of what I had seen when I had first meet her and how she was not only taking care of the pup but how she was able to defend, hunt and care for herself in the process of also taking care of the pup that was with her. Many had been looking forward to meeting the female I described to them and would wait to meet her after I returned to Yautja Prime our home planet where they resigned. I know I could not wait to show her the whole Galaxy and all of its' beauty to her and all the pups that I will give her." I think in my head.

I looked at my female, Nicole, she still looked skeptical at Guan-thwei but introduced herself to him since was not well acquainted with our kind. "I hope to change her opinion in the near future," I think in my head happily as I go greet my lou-dte kale and the pup that that is greeting Guan-thwei and his mate Alexis.

Nicole's POV

"I still didn't trust theses monsters but looking at how happy Torie and Allie are. Why is it that they decided to make us their mates? As they put it or lou- something, out of all the beings that are out there why would they chose us why?" I think in my head. As a small smile plays on my face as Torie asks the the monster that took Allie a million questions about their culture and ways of life.

"Both me and Allie are chuckling even though I may not trust these beings right now in time I think I could eventually," I laugh at the thought. Because I never thought I would see the day where I would give these beings a chance at proving themselves.

"You Ooman females are weird, I'll give you that," says the alien next to me I whip my head around behind me to find it's just the one that took me away from Earth.

"What was his name again Allie told me but I forgot I think it was la- something," I think in my head. "Just because we do things differently than what you are not use to, doesn't mean we are weird you just aren't use to it is all I say coldly to him. "Ugh, same racial problems here too," I think in my head.

It seems I through him way off, because he looked to be in deep thought and contemplating what I had just said to him.

"You are right, much of what you say is true, but then again you Oomans have many different cultures and traditions that frown upon one another. I hope you don't think that I wish to change your ways... just to simply show you what my traditions consist of while you still practice yours." he says and now I'm thrown off at his words. "I thought they would just throw what they know at me and expect me to understand all of it right away, I didn't know they gave you a choice... now I'm starting to look at him and his kind in a different light," I think in my head and just nod at his response, now understanding what he means.

"If only human's world would see it that way," I say to him honestly and look at a smiling Torie coming my way with a that little smile of hers

"Hmm that is true but it doesn't have to be here, back on my home planet Yautja Prime we have a similar thing you oomans call the god of Life and Death Our god of Life Paya creator of all and Centanu the god of death," he says to me I confuses me but I guess everyone is different in their upbringing.

"That's interesting, we have something similar but I get what you mean," say smiling up at him and seeing his reaction it seemed that he stiffened when I smiled at him and it appeared as if he was trying to smile as well but it looked difficult for him and this caused me to chuckle.

"Colie!" says Torie running over to me where Allie is trying to calm her mate from Tories previous consistent questions.

"What's going on Torie?" I ask her as I pick her up. "Damn what has she been eating she weighs like a ton," I think in my head as I carry her.

"When are we going to train?" She asks me with a smile then the one I was surprised that she had asked me though. "Allie's mate says that it's important to train in their culture, they take great honor in doing so, and hunting, so... can we train now?" she says enthusiastically.

I laughed at Torie and nodded my head as I set her down when, "The Yautja that I was talking too seemed pleased and anxious?" I thought in my head.

"What do plan on teaching your younger cousin," he asks looking at me with pride.

"Wouldn't you like to know," I say in a playful tone and a smirk. "Ah! I forgot don't challenge them!" the thought crosses my mind but I then feel huge arms around my waist that causes me to blush.

"Be careful Ag'ape you are playing with fire here," he says whispering in my ear and this causes me to shiver in pleasure, he then licks behind my ear and me suppressing a moan since both of my cousins were still with me "Ah curse my body for betraying me! But why does my body feel so comfortable in his arm?" I think in my head as he lets me go to go somewhere else.

"Yes Torie we'll continue to work more on navigations when we get a better environment for it but for now we're going to work on... defense," I say to her and she seems to look eager about fighting.

"Would like some assistance in this method or are ok with showing her on your own again?" asks Allie coming over to us and smiling.

"Do you have a training room?" I ask her but the Yautja that had his arms wrapped around me was between us which frustrated me.

"I'm afraid we will need to be leaving soon, lou'dte kale," he says looking at me with a guilty expression. He gives my cousin and her mate a bow and ushers for me to leave I look to Torie and she's of my left side skipping like she doesn't have care in the world.

"Bye Allie!" she yells as she runs off with us and Allie wave bye to us with a smile.

"I hope to see you all again," says Allie with a smile.

"Maybe we'll see," I say teasing her with a wink and playful tone that she returns with a shaking of her head at me with a playful smile.

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