Chapter 8

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*On top is what La'jar looks like with out his mask*

La'jar's POV

I've contacted Guan-thwei's and he has agreed to me coming aboard his ship so long as I bring my mate incase both of us come into a disagreement in which I agreed to. I tell Yeyin's Mate Aaeesha to help my lou'dte kale get prepared for our arrival aboard Guan-thwei's ship, she bows her head in respect and says yes clan leader,and takes her leave. I only took twenty Yautja with me seven had wanted to find their mates while the others had already found their mates and brought their along with them. My fellow clanmates had convinced me that they may be able to calm the new females if they ever freaked out to much or were sad, what can I say we Yautja aren't the most emotional creatures out there.

"Clan Leader La'jar we are now nearing Guan-thwei's ship," says R'ka driving me out of my thought process.

"Good prepare to board," I announce as my fellow clan members prepare everything.

Nicole's POV

"What do you mean I have to get ready? What am I getting ready for" I ask cranky that I've been woken up from my nap and Torie doesn't look any better than I do. There's a human woman who's named who happens to be Aaeesha is clothed in yautja tribal clothing, she has tanned skin with dark brown long hair that's in dreadlocks with bright green hazel eyes. She has gold and black markings that look like flames, they run all over a small portion of her body. To me it looks like a tattoo but the most intriguing mark is the one by her neck it's green with silver and it look like a toucan with sharp spike behind its head, to tell the truth. The gold and black marks run all along her sides, just off her shoulders and and a little above her legs as well.

"Well you see we are to be boarding on Guan-thwei, and your soon to be mate named La'jar who is clan leader is expecting all of us to dress appropriately," says Aaeesha holding a certain type of tribal clothing that has a little bit of armor. And a smaller dress that has what appears to be some type of animal clothing that I think will fit my cousin Victoria.

"Huh?" I say and look at her confused "who's La'jar?" I think in my head.

"I'm just here to help you not only get settled, but to get ready for we are going to be going to another ship as guests," she explains.

"Oh... Do I have to go?" I ask her really hoping that I didn't have to go.

"Sadly yes but from what I have heard I believe your cousin is also on the ship I think?..." she says and at the mention of my cousin being on their I perk up instantly.

"You should have told me that sooner!"I yell and grab the clothes from her hand and throw the smaller dress at Torie as she sturrs from her sleep. Aaeesha just looks at me surprised and shows me to the bathroom in this room. Which surprises me when I see one of the wall disappear revealing one of the most elegant washrooms I've ever seen in my entire life. I swear the bathtub can fit like ten of those things that took the women from Earth and it seems the shower is right next to it and to me it looks like a miniature waterfall! "A FUCKING MINIATURE WATERFALL!!! LIKE WHAT THE FUCK I SHOULD HAVE BEEN TAKEN BY THESE THINGS AGES AGO!!! They are living the life!!!... I mean come on if you could see this bathroom you'd be surprised just as much as me!! I think in my head.

 I mean come on if you could see this bathroom you'd be surprised just as much as me!! I think in my head

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