Chapter 12

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Previously on Allie's POV:




"It is because the male Yautjan's take it as a challenge to prove themselves to the female they've chosen," I explain to her. She sits there staring at me and bows her head cursing under breath.

Guan-thwei, La'jar and I all laugh at her for not realising it. "Aye my cousin," I think in my head.

Nicole's POV

After the feasting had been done I was expecting them to let us stay the night turns out the one that abducted me named La' har or whatever his name is needed to discuss a few issues with the one that had abducted my Allie. "How she's happy with a monster that took her away from both me and Torie is beyond me, and I don't want to find out I need to get Torie out of here along with Allie. So when we are all alone I go to Allie and try to make an escape plan with her, If doesn't want to come with us... I don't want to think about it me and Torie were perfectly happy back on Earth ya sure we would have our troubles but that was life and life is never fair. Life has never been kind to me and I don't plan on making it easy for life either when I get the chance I'm leaving and never looking back I mean for crying out loud I'm barely going to be nineteen and eighteen barely counts as being appropriate." I think in my head.

"Colie I'm sleepy," says my cousin Victoria aka Torie Alexis seems to notice this as well.

"There's a room for her to stay in if that's ok with you many of the women here use it a what we would call back on Earth a daycare. She may be the oldest there but I think they have a place for her." says Allie.

"I think that would be a great idea," I say to her but really I'm thinking "Yes this is perfect and then Allie can show me around and I may be able to make my daring escape,"

"Great right this way," she says as I can a drowsie Torie with me.

When I make my way in there you can see all of the mother with their five year olds or younger half breed children. "I may not like their fathers but that doesn't mean that I blame the children for what their fathers have done," I think in my head. They have an age group for the children you can see many of the women nursing young under their blankets, playing with their children, or glaring at everyone as their children play, "ugh some people I swear! I think in my head. When we get to appropriate age group I set Torie down on one of the hammocks and put a blanket over her as she knocks out from the world.

"I'm sorry I hear," Alexis say beside me and look at her confused, "I'm sorry i couldn't get to you sooner," she finally comes out as she stares at her sister with tears threatening to come out.

"It's not your fault they didn't let you come to Earth and it's not your fault that- I never got to finish as I was interupted.

"Yes it is I could've asked him to pick you both up and I didn't I wasn't even thinking about you two for the past two years. While you both were suffering on Earth I was living the high lights here and not even giving you guys a second thought, or glance. At least not until I saw an enemy ship near where our home town! I had asked my mate if I could retrieve you both before the enemy got to you, and I was to late! Maybe if I had gotten to you both sooner you wouldn't be as resentful towards their kind or your now chosen mate now." she says crying once we are alone.

At her confession I slam my hand on the metal wall beside me and glare daggers at her. how could she forget us how could she not even think about us we are her flesh and blood and she didn't even think of taking us with her how could SHE! SHE FORGOT ABOUT US AND WHEN THERE WAS TROUBLE SHE THOUGHT SHE COULD EARN OUR TRUST JUST BY WHAT SAVING US? I NEVER FORGOT ABOUT HER AND WHAT THEY DID SO IF WANTED TO FORGET ABOUT I'LL MAKE SURE I, or we, I'll leave it up to Torie to decide if She wanted to forgive her sister, FORGET ABOUT HER!" I think in my head as I storm into their 'daycare center' watching a mother yelling at my cousin Torie and Torie crying that's when I had it with these people and snapped and went into full mama bear mode. I punched the mother in the face, and she looked at me with fury but then coward when she saw my face of fury.

"DON'T YOU EVER YELL AT MY COUSIN AGAIN! I DON'T CARE IF YOU ARE A MOTHER! YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER! I'M THE ONE TAKING CARE OF HER! IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH HER YOU WILL TAKE IT UP TO ME! GOT IT!!!" I shout in fury at her as she holds her now bruising face and takes her child with her. The rest of the mothers looked at me with fear but also understanding after all they are all mothers and if any one dared to mean to their children they would go all mama bear on them as well. Allie saw the whole scenario and seemed surprised that I did that then looked angry at me.

Nicole you can't just punch people out of nowhere for no good reason," says Allie grabbing my arm tightly but I didn't wince I glared dagger at her.

"Why would you care? You forgot all about me and Torie while you were living the highlights here and you know what? That lady that you are defending right now, was threatening my cousin who is your little sister Allie and she's nine! Who do you think had to defend her when she was on Earth and while you were here with you own personal guards? Huh? Me. Who gave her clothes on her back while you were here having clothing handmade for you? Me. Who taught her how to hunt while you feasted on food here? Me. Who taught her how to navigate while you have fancy gadgets to track? ME! Who taught her how to trade and negotiate? ME Allie that's who! So don't you ever say I didn't do it without reason! I did it with all the reason in this goddamn Galaxy! And you know what? Let your mate and the one that abducted me be enemies for life because for what you did to me and Torie can never be forgiven, not today and not ever! Do have any idea how many times I cried myself to sleep worrying about you Allie and to think all that time was wasted and you never once thought about me or Torie while you were here!" I yell as Torie looks shocked at me but confused at the same time and then saddened.

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