Chapter 2

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Unknown POV

"Clan Leader Lar'ja, the female is 18 and I know that she will be nineteen soon, but are you certain you wish to have this female that is so young?" asks one of my clan members named R'ka. R'ka is almost as tall as me and stands at a height of eight feet even I'm eight foot four. One of his four tusks are no longer there he holds a four clawed scar on his right eye and has pale green skin with dark forest green stripes all along his body with green stripes along the crescent of his skull with silver eyes and black tendrils with many gold and silver rings on his tendrils.

"I know of your concerns R'ka, but she is worthy to be my mate, I've seen how she is able to handle tough situations, care for the young, and is a skilled huntress as well.

R'ka looks at me astonished, "Then we await your orders Clan Leader Lar'ja," he says and the rest of my group are right behind him.

"You all may look for your females if you wish, I'll be keeping an eye on mine and the pup she guards and teaches, you are all dismissed," I say and the rest proceed with their search of a female except for my hunt brother R'ka.

"She really is all you say she is Lar'ja... what do you plan on doing with the pup she has with her it is not her own, but yet she cares for it" says R'ka my hunt brother who is also my second in command.

"Indeed " I say to him R'ka.

"We'll need to leave the pup with some other female who already has a pups," I say to R'ka.

"Yes Clan leader Lar'ja," says my second in command as they take to their posts.

"This is going to be a long night," I think in my head and wrap the furs around me tighter as I watch my sleeping beauty.

Nicole's POV

I wake up to screaming.

I'm up and alert with my pistol in hand and torie clutching onto me I look over the hill from where the scream came from, and see three Yautja's carrying three women one looks to be around in their early twenties while the other look like in their late twenties.

"I go to the horses and pull Torie on Sky with me and try to make a quiet escape when I know we are in the safe Zone I get off of Sky and lead her to a spot where there is a small river as I make my way to the bags I hear a cackle and turn around only to see Leon with his group that's made up of three men behind him. One of the many men that live out here and knows that me and my cousin Torie are girls sad to say he could never beat me in a fight when my cousin Allie was here to bad for me she's not So now it's my job to protect Torie.

"Well well if isn't my favorite girls Vickie ... Niiiickieeee," says Leon.

"Those aren't our names LEON! And besides we're just passing through we don't want to cause trouble I say readying my pistol and both him and his group back off because they know how I am with a gun.

"Ugh fine but consider this a warning for next time I see you here on our turf," says Leon motioning for him and his group to leave us alone.

As soon as they leave I still have my gun out just in case they've changed their minds, "Torie remember this, never show fear, you face your opponent head on, Face it with as much ferocity as you can, and if all else fails never give in, got it," say to her in a stern voice not even looking at her and continue our way back home and she nods her head.

By the time we reach our home I'm completely exhausted while Torie fell asleep on Sky. I decide to just carry her in the house after I've settled the horses in the posts outside with some furs to keep them warm. After that I continue carrying Torie to her room, I tuck her in her bed with the furs and light a fire to help keep us warm. After I go and check on the horses to make sure to predators can get near them so of course I take my pistol with me as I sit outside in my rocking chair resting my eyes because I can't fall asleep at least not yet good thing I'm a light sleeper. Then I feel a soft feeling surrounding me in warmth; when I crack one of my eyes open I see Torie placing a blanket on me, and me, I pretend to be a sleep. I smile and choose to play a prank on her, so I stir a little and I hear her fall back and it takes everything in my will power not to laugh at her. But then I hear her scramble in side and close the door. Then I bust out laughing at her. but she should know better not to come outside when I've put her to slee-.


I get into my defensive position and look around but I don't see anyone then I hear one of the cans in the trees clank together that's when I get inside and start to barricade all the exits.

"Torie barricade all windows and doors NOW!!!" I shout at the top of my lungs.

"Why-?" she gets cut off when our one of those monstrosities busts threw the window near me in our living room. I grab the spear from under our couch and point it at the damn beast, and get in front of Torie "They aren't taking me away from Torie!" I think in my head

Then the door that I tried to barricade gets busted open by one of their blasters, this the same on that I saw at the "Gkaun-yte," says the one with that blasted down our door. "He looks fam- Oh MY GOSH IT'S THE ONE WE SAW AT THE MARKET! I think in my head.


*one of them has silver and black armor with clads of black fur on it. He also has a green cape and white fur with small black dots of it at the end of the cape. He is taller than every male there and is radiating power even though he has his mask on you can see a few of the animal skulls that he is carrying with him on his belt. He appears to be at least 8 feet tall and I'm five foot nine so he definitely stands a good two feet taller than me. And he has long tendrils that go all the way past his elbow that are adorned with few gold colored rings.*

*End of Memory*

"Did he follow us? But why wou- oh, no, no, no, no, he can't be here fo-for ME!!!!," I think in my head. I feel Torie sobbing and shaking behind me then I feel her being pulled away from be and I turn around to find another one of those things pulling her away from me. I stab him in the open part of his armor with the spear I held in my hands the others try to get near both me and Torie that's when I pull Torie towards the back door where the horses are and get her on Sky.

"Collie," she says looking at me in question.

"You know how to get to the city now Torie," I say and strap her in.

"Colie," she says her voice cracking this time, but I don't look at her I hit Sky's behind and both Torie and the little filly go towards the city and I run the other direction. I have to get Torie away from them they'll kill any younglings that are with the women they chose to be their mates. I can't be with Torie anymore but that doesn't mean that I can't try to get her out of here as fast as I could they can't kill her if she's not with me they'll be leaving soon and I'm not going down without a fight...

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