Chapter 15

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"Bye Allie!" she yells as she runs off with us and Allie wave bye to us with a smile.

"I hope to see you all again," says Allie with a smile.

"Maybe we'll see," I say teasing her and with her shaking her head at me with a playful smile.

La'jar's POV

"I was pleased to hear that the young pup that was with my Lou'dte kale would resume her training, and I was curious to know what my little mate had instore for the pup. Apparently she didn't learn from our first encounter about challenging me and needed to be reminded of her place, so I took on her challenge and decided to tease her some more. I enjoyed how her body reacted towards mine and would love to continue this but I knew that there were others watching and this was no show for a mer pup, but I hoped to continue this foreplay as the Oomans call it. I was sad to interrupt both her and her cousin's conversation but we did have to leave for Yautja Prime I new the Elders and even the Ancients have been waiting to see my wonderful mate that I talk highly of the best part about her is her tennicity," I thought in my head. "As we were walking back to our room and the little pup being young and messing around with my Lou'dte kale. I couldn't help but think how she would react if we were to have pups of our own, I could already picture them all running around her strivin for her affection as I try to teach them the importance of leading and hunting of course," I imagine in my mind.

"You may visit her again if you wish, with me and Guan-thwei creating the peace treaty you and your cousin my visit frequently," I say to my Lou'dte kale hoping that the news was cheering her up.

She looked away from her younger cousin and had looked at me with that smile that I adore so much. "Pauk if she keeps this up I won't be able to control myself," I thought in my head.

Nicole's POV

I was walking back to the ship with my cousin Torie happy to have with me again I had looked towards my capture and I saw a pained look that he had on at least I think it was pained look but as soon as he had it on it was gone within a second and came behind Torie and ushering us on the ship.

He had lead us to what looked like the control room of the ship it made me feel a little uneasy but he had seated us on what looked like a throne like chair and had told us to sit there.

" you two will stay in here until we reach Yautja Prime that is where you Nicole will meet the Elders," says the Yautja that had taken us and I have yet to learn of his name.

"Who are the Elders?" I ask him now totally confused as to why we were going to see them first. "Were they important in some way or another?" I thought in my head.

"The Elders are one of the most respected of the Yautja race, they are one of the oldest of the Yautja Race, which means they are also the most knowledgeable of our Race besides the ancients," says my captor explaining to me and Torie the roles that these Elders hold in there hierarchy.

"So... then, these Elders... They are like your... council?" I say out loud not sure those were the right words to use for his kind.

He then nods his head agreeing with what I was saying. "Yes, they are like a council, a Yautja must have done great things and be old enough to even become an Elder. It takes a very experienced hunter and a knowledgeable scolar to become one." he explains the means of becoming an Elder.

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