Chapter 45

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"Where is your Lou'dte kale Nicole La'jar?" asked Elder Teätro with concern.

"She's gone," says Tri'ste with bitterness in his voice as he carried a sleeping Torie in his arms.

"I'm sorry for your loss Clan Leader La'jar, Lou'dte kale Nicole will be missed," said Elder Fujïr in a sorrowful tone.

"Indeed," agreed Hondär nodding his head saddened by the loss of my Lou'dte kale. I just thanked them for coming and they were off on their own while the rest of my clan Mourned at the loss of their Lou'dte kale. I got word from R'ka that Lou'dte kale Alexis and her mate Clan leader Guan-thwei would be here for the mourning ceremony for the loss of her Cousin. Everyone would wear whatever color their traditions held whether it be black, white, red, or any other color. The ceremony would take place in the Evening of tomorrow because I didn't want to deal with the ceremony today... not after the loss with my lou'dte kale being so fresh and new.

Nicole's POV

*One week later*

"Gaaaassspp," I say breathing hard and taking large breaths of air and coughing as I wake up in shock and frightened from wherever I am currently. I have no idea where I am, both my left ankle and right arm are killing me like crazy, and my head has a major headache.

"Ah," I say out of pain and slowly getting up into a sitting position. I look around and I see that I'm a hole that's to not that far from the surface I see some large roots peeking from the hole I fell from.

This is what it looks like: 

I try to get up but my Left ankle is in too much pain to bear any weight and I fall back down wincing and groaning in the pain

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I try to get up but my Left ankle is in too much pain to bear any weight and I fall back down wincing and groaning in the pain. I then look around me and I notice a few thick sticks and flexible bark that I work with to create a type cast that can help me move around more easily. It wasn't much but it would have to do for now, I'm grateful that my mom taught me how to make a nature splint when the time came but always suggested that I go to a hospital anyway in case of such injuries. "But I don't have anyone here to help me... I'm on my own... They all probably think I'm dead after I jumped out of the ship," I thought in my head sadly as I saw La'jar look at me with despair and shock.

After the Splint was made I slowly but surely made my way to the large roots and started to climb my way to the top carefully even if I slipped a little bit I made sure to never let go and to make my up slowly but surely. I fell a few times sometimes slipping and landing on my bad ankle or arm that were injured. I would silently scream from the pain and cradle my bad leg or arm, it hurt like shit I knew my arm was broken for sure but my leg was sprained badly. My arm was swollen black and blue with mixtures of purple, and my left ankle was completely purple and blue and swollen like crazy. My left ankle would throb in pain and try to repel me from walking any further, but I knew I had to keep moving I couldn't stay in a place like this. I needed to find a clean water source if this planet had any, and any plant or animal that is edible so I could eat. I finally made it out of that hell hole and was devastated at what I was looking at everything was burned to a crisp and not a single green leaf or vegetation could be seen for miles.

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