Chapter 36

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"Enough out of you Tri'ste, or do I need to remind you of what happened the last time you pissed me off?" I ask challenging him to even dare pick a fight while glaring my own daggers at him, he just raises his hands up as if surrendering.

"No need for hostility Lou'dte kale Nicole, I promise to be on my best behavior," he says as he bows to me and La'jar in a joking manner.

"You better be, The rest of you are dismissed and I expect you to do as my lou'dte kale says if you don't want the same outcome that happened to Tri'ste," says La'jar as he smirks the four of them. All of them look between Tri'ste and me as if not believing La'jar but Tri'ste just nods his as he calls for the young pup to follow him. "This was going to be a long day..." I thought in my head gravely.

Victoria's POV

I roamed around the La'jar's temple hoping to find my cousin I couldn't help but admire this whole place the art looked so beautiful here. Many Yautja looked at me and started whispering to one another in their native language, a few other older women would look at me and wave but sped off to do something else. I noticed that there weren't any other kids roaming around and that got me curious. "Where were all the kids? Were they in school?" I thought in my head. You see I never went to school Colie always had me homeschooled since she was homeschooled as well. As I'm wandering around a little boy who looked no older than five years old bumped into me knocking me down to the ground. He has dark orange scales and tiny little spikes sticking out from behind that are black and deep blue eyes. "He was so adorable! He was like the mini version of the Yautja! Wait a minute! A kid? like me!? Yay! We can freinds!" I thought in my head. He just stared at me not believing what he was seeing he blinked a few times like he was in a daze and I noticed a slight tint of green on his cheeks. So I thought it was kind of creepy so I decided to break him out of his trance by being the first one to talk.

"Um, hi..." I say seeing if would talk but he just sat there staring still. "Ok so he doesn't speak English... Noted" I thought in my head.

"Um, G'kaun-yte," I say trying out the Yautja Language that Centanu taught me while my cousin was with La'jar.

*G'kaun-yte: Hello/hi ect.*

"G-G'k-G'kaun-yte..." he says nervously and this causes me to brighten up even more, "Yes I made a new friend!" I thought in my head happily as I go into a sitting position where my legs are tucked under me.

"Torie, TO-RIE," I say say to him while pointing to myself and he seems to brighten at what I mean and smiles.

"Vayuh'ta!" He says pointing to himself as if proud and this causes me to giggle as he flexes himself proudly. Then I get an idea and I grab his hand as I drag him along with me giggling he seems a bit scared that I grabbed him but as he saw my face he seems to laughing as well. Once we get to the gardens I let go and run off in a different area as he tries to follow but loses me when I hide myself from his view he seems a bit confused and worried at the same time but I come up behind him.

This is what the gardens look like:

This is what the gardens look like:

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