Chapter 38

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"Where's Olivia?!" he asked me scared for his wife's life.

"She's stuck inside!" I shout over the fire and runs inside to go find my aunt not even a minute later the house collapsed under the fires will and took my second parents away from me. Leaving Alexis, Victoria and myself all on our own. By the time Allie came by and said that the forest rescuers were coming to stop the flames. She saw me busting my eyes out crying while clutching Torie close to me I wailed with Victoria saddened that they were gone they really were. Allie went to the stable and got Sky put me and Torie in front of the saddle with her behind and rode away from the fire as quickly as she could. We watched from a safe distance as the fire burned the only home and family we knew...

*End of memory*

La'jar's POV

I was beyond angry with the Yautja that I chose they were all honorable warriors and hunters I trusted them! But for them to stoop this low and try to attack a pup!? My lou'dte kale's Ooman cousin pup! That is unacceptable! They were most definitely going to be questioned by the elders for their conduct and their pupils conduct. It would also question their role as Mentors and Teachers. I was still bristling at the thought of them treating my Lou'dte kale with such disrespect that I didn't even notice when she came to my side and wrapped her arms around mine while the little pup wrapped herself around my leg.

"Come on La'jar Torie says that she's hungry and she wants you to join us for a meal," says my lou'dte kale as the little pup giggles and nods her head. I chuckle at the both of them and put Torie at the top of my shoulders as she giggles my lou'dte kale how ever pulls me down and kisses the side of my mandible which confuses me as to why she would kiss the side of my mandible.

"Thō'se van La'jar," she says as she smiles up at me and tickles Torie's sides which causes the pup to squirm and giggle.

*Translation: Thank you La'jar*

I stood there stunned that she knew how to say thank you in my language it was already turning me on when I gave a sexual growl apparently Torie stiffened so I purred and then she looks at me as if I was crazy.

"YOU GUYS PURR!?!?" she says astonished that I was purring Nicole bursts out laughing.

"I KNOW RIGHT!? HA! HA! THAT'S WHAT I ha! ha! Ha! Said!" says my lou'dte kale holding her sides as she continues laughing with her cousin and I become irritated again.

"Oh, calm down, La'jar we are just busting your chops," says my lou'dte kale using one of her Earthly saying that I do not understand.

"What are chops?" I ask her.

"Ya what are chops?" Torie asked her cousin now curious.

"It's a figure of speech you two it means I'm messing around with you," says Nicole as she explains while looking at us and smiling.

"Ooooohh..." says Torie as she looks at her cousin now more confused than ever.

"That makes no sense whatsoever," says Torie as looks at her cousin incrediously.

"That's why its called a figure of speech Torie, it's meant to mean one thing over what you are actually saying," says Nicole smiling at her cousin. Torie seems to be even more confused just as I am.

"Ok here's another example, when it's raining you know how we say it's pouring well that's a another way of using a figure of speech it just means that it's raining a lot," says Nicole giving her cousin another example and at this phrase I believe I understand what she means now.

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