Chapter 29

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"I still hate you for hurting my cousin so don't expect me to forgive you anytime soon," I say to him while glaring daggers and he chuckles at me.

"Good, I wouldn't have it any other way, Come I'm sure you will want to meet both your mate and cousin as they are both in the infirmary," he says as he leads to way to the medical center.

"If you lead me into a trap I'm going to kill you for sure this time" I say as he chuckles and laughs while I follow grouchy that he to show the way since I'm not all to familiar with this place.

La'jar's POV

Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...

Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...

I kept hearing that horrendous noise over and over! I was sick it! I was sick of not knowing where I was everything was pitch Black.

"How i... today?" said a voice that I recognize but can't make out what else they are saying to tired...

"WHY HAS... WOKEN... YET!!!" "ah!" I yell in my head hearing the voice again. "What is going on now? I was resting..." I thought in my head.

"We are doing-!" says another voice but is cut off by the first voice.

"If you are doing every can then... WHY HASN'T MY MATE WOKEN UP!!!" Says the first voice with so much conviction. "Ha ha I really hate to be in the second voices position right now," I thought in my head.

"He's in, as you Oomans call a coma or in our terms the sleep of death," says the second voice. "Who are they talking about? And why is the first voice going silent now and wait... Crying who's in a Coma os Sleep of death I'm wide awake! Ah! I wish my eyes would just open so I could see if my lou'dte kale is alright I don't want Tri'ste to lay even a single claw on her head! I'll fight him for her again! If I have to there is no way in Paya or Centanu that I'm giving up my lou'dte kale up that easily! Come wake up WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAAAKE UUPP!" I thought in my head. All of a sudden the beeping got louder and more alarming as it went crazy I feel someone holding my hand while I hear the tapping of a screen on my other side.

"What's happening to him? Is he ALRIGHT!" Yells the first voice, "wait I know that voice!" I thought in my head.

The second voice pauses but then speaks, "I think he's waking up! Keeping talking to him!"

"La'jar can you hear me? It's me Nicole please wake up! Your tribe still needs you, we still need to pick Torie mentor and teacher for Torie," says my lou'dte kale, "Nicole I'm here I can hear you my mate, I'm trying," I thought in my head willing myself to wake up but all I manage is a mumble.

"Ni... co... Nic... ole..." I barely mumbled the words but this seems to make my lou'dte kale happy so I try even harder I hear the second still doing something off to the side and typing away.

"I'm here, La'jar, I'm here," she says as I feel a caressing the left side of my my mandible and this causes a purr to escape me as she squeezes my right hand more.

"Keep going he's waking up," says who I think is the doctor.

"La'jar please wake up... please... I love you..." I hear her say before everything was white and so bright I had flinched at how bright everything was. Then the light was taken away and I saw the medical room I was in and the doctor was to my left side and was...

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