Chapter 41

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"It has come to my conclusion that the Mentors are innocent in the act of giving the orders to their pupils who were unsuccessful in trying to get rid of the pup Torie. Therefore they will continue to mentor their pupils again and any future pups they wish to mentor in the future. However, because the Young bloods were fooled into thinking that their mentors had given them the orders of trying to harm a pup, they will be punished accordingly by not going on any hunts until they are deemed blooded am I clear?" said the Elder as he gave a hard stare at them and their Mentors.

"Understood Elder," the three Apprentices said and saluted the Elder, while the Mentors nodded their heads happy that they were proven innocent. I am glad that the mentors were proven their innocence thanks to my lou'dte kale, but I am still bothered that there is still a creature who wishes to harm my Lou'dte kale and her family.

Nicole's POV

I knew the moment that when the Apprentices gave their testimony that something wasn't right and it didn't sit well with me either. Thankfully my determination to get to the bottom of things proved that the mentors weren't lying but it didn't mean that both me and the only two living family member that I have were in the clear something or someone wanted to get at me and my family and I was going to get to the bottom of it. After the court was over the three Mentors came over to La'jar and I while Torie was playing with Tri'ste's pupil chasing him around and he her they were being watched over my R'ka, Centanu, Tri'ste and Guan-thwei's top warrior and SIC. It was cute how they played it made me happy that she had a friend to play with her sometimes when he would come visit.

"We thank you for proving our Lou'dte kale Nicole," they say bowing to me with respect.

"I only found it unfair to blame you for something you did not do, but let this be lesson if any of you try to harm my family, I will not hesitate to deal with you myself." I say in a stern tone and take my leave to meet with the others. As I look at Allie and her small swollen stomach that holds my future nephew or niece you never know.

"So how long until you are ready to pop, and I meet my future niece of nephew?" I ask coming over to Allie's side smiling at the thought of a little one running around.

"It takes about a whole year for the little babies to be born Nicole, so you're going to have to wait a while," says Allie as she strokes her swollen stomach lovingly. "A whole year?! Damn! That's three months long than a normal human baby to be born!" I thought in my head astonished my the news.

"Well damn a whole year?! That's a long time to wait, your mom could barely do the nine months with Torie," I say joking with her and she has a sad smile as I bring up her mother, my second mother.

"She's still with us no matter where she is, her, your dad, Robert... and my parents." I say holding her close as tears slowly steam down her cheek because I know how much this means to her since her mother should be here with us helping her through all of life's little moments.

"I know, I just wish she was here... her and our family," Allie says her voice cracking as I cry a little with her. Because I feel her pain as well they wouldn't want us to cry for them they all had each other no matter where they are, and they are always watching over us.

"I know... but they wouldn't want us crying over them feeling sad that they are gone, because they would be happy that our family is growing bigger, and your making that happen with this little one," I say lightly touching her small swollen stomach and feeling a tiny kick as the baby moves inside of her. "This is really happening Allie is really going to have a baby and Torie and I are going to be aunts," I thought in my head happy that my cousin/sister is going to be having a baby

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