Chapter 33

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*Author Crissillis: Please note this is my first actual mature scene so please don't hate if you don't like and I promise I'll get better with time* love you my Lovely readers and thank you for al your love and support for this story! XD XP





*I giggled at his playfulness* "Where's this coming from *giggle*?" I ask as he approaches me like I'm his prey and hover over me like the hunter or predator he is and comes pins me to his bed as he stares at me with love and want.

"You didn't think we were not going to finish what we started at the med bay now did you?" he says in a husky voice as licks and nibbles at my neck.

"Ah... La'jar," I whisper and moan his name. "Curse my neck for being my one weakness." I thought in my head as I lost myself in pure bliss, lust, and love...

La'jar's POV

"Ah... La'jar," she said my name like a whisper as she moaned I could smell her arousal as she was staring at my bare chest the only piece of clothing I had on was my codpiece and the rings on my tendrils. I licked and bit her neck as her scent drove me wild it is was sweet and yet had a Eathly scent to it. She tasted excotic to me and her toned muscles from all of her training caused my instincts to want to dominate her and make her mine, but I had to control and remind myself that she was an Ooman her body was made more fragile. "But she's also part Yautja," screamed my instincts as they argued with me to be more forceful and show who my lou'dte kale belongs to and that's us.

"Oh... La'jar... that feels... good," my lou'dte kale whispers as she sighs into my touch. "Pauk I want my lou'dte kale so bad," I thought in my head. Her moans were getting louder and I was able to free her of top with her help so I could knead her breasts with my one hand, as I licked the other and then she proceeded to reach for my codpiece so she could take it off of me.

"Please I'm ready,"she begged as she moaned. "Paya her hands were crafty but mine were craftier," I thought in my head. I then grabbed both of her wrists and held them over her head with one of my hands so she wouldn't disrupt my exploration of her body.

"Oh... La'jar!" She moaned as I went lower and stripped her of her lower garments while releasing her wrists she lay bear to me in all of her glory now. Looking at her I could never get enough of her, her smell her touch, heck even the sound of her voice drove me in a frenzy. I then proceeded to take off the only piece of clothing and armor which was my codpiece, releasing my rock hard cock from its confines. She seemed a little nervous when she saw but I began to purr signifying I'm not going to hurt her, then me a look of nervousness and Excitement and nodded her head for me to continue.

"La'jar, please go easy, on me, I've, um, I've never, done this before... ever," She said as she smiled nervously, I assured her that I would go easy with a nod and continued to purr.

"I will go easy, I promise," I say as I continue to lick and nibble down her body as she eases up and proceeded with her little sighs and moans.

"Oh, Mmm, La'jar." she said as she moaned my name causing me to go even harder.

"You honor me by letting me be first to mate with you and hopefully I will be the last," I say truthfully as she blushes but then bites her lip as she stares down at me not only lust but the love she spoke of there was no disgust or hate. I continued to purr which causes her to react to my touch when her back arches. I couldn't get enough of her scent and so I decided to follow where the scent led and found the source to be at her rich untouched flower. I gave a lick and my sense went haywire as soon my tongue made contact I delved in the flavor a bit longer as I continued to lick at her flower. She tasted sweet and addictive in my opinion as devoured m

"Aaah! Huuu! La'jar! Oh! Ah! La'jar! Please! I want you! I want all of you! I want you know!" She yelled in pleasure in pleasure as she clutched my tendrils which caused to growl in pleasure since I was very sensitive at my tendrils. I ceased my assault on her flower and she seemed a bit out of breath as she grip on my tendrils loosened a bit, and stared at me smiling and blushing.

"Sorry if I hurt you," she says meekly letting go of my tendrils and looks away.

"On the contrary, my lou'dte kale my tendrils are sensitive but they did not hurt when you clutched them, quite the opposite actually," I say as she turns to me blushing but smiling even more now as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

Nicole's POV

"Holy Shit I've never felt anything like that! I felt so good." I thought in my head as soon Realised that I was clutching onto La'jar's Tendrils and this caused him to growl.

"Sorry if I hurt you," I say Meekly hating myself as I losing my self-control. "He probably wants to stop and scold me about how this isn't part of his culture," I think in my head guiltily and sad.

"On the contrary, my lou'dte kale my tendrils are sensitive but they did not hurt when you clutched them, quite the opposite actually," he says and this causes me to blush at him but also relief as I smile and wrap my arms around his neck relieved that he isn't hurt and turn us over so I'm now straddling him. His large cock that's in front of me he looks to be three inches thick and about a foot to a foot-and-a-half-long green. My aunt told me how sex worked thankfully before she died and bought me an anatomy book so I knew what a man's cock look like as she explained it to me it was an awkward moment I'm grateful for her teaching me a lot of the things I know now. His cock resembled a males penis but it was green and the tip of it was more pointed like an arrow. La'jar watched with amazement as I stared down at him, and even I myself was amazed that I managed to flip him over considering her was twice my size. We chuckled at our predicament and I slowly rocked myself against his throbbing cock which caused him to give a pleasurable growl. My need for him was growing and he could tell what I was thinking just by looking at me since he watched me with the same want. I thought I would try something different, I wanted to see how kissing him would feel it's something neither of us had done before. As I lean in forward he meets me halfway as he rests his head against mine, and then I close my eyes leaning in to kiss him despite him not having lips this didn't feel awkward, he tasted different like a sweet spice that I was addicted to. It felt right kissing him, it felt natural to me, his purring mixed with a pleasurable growl signifying that he wanted more in which I gave him. I lifted myself up against him and aligned his cock with my awaiting flower as I gave the one I love my virginity. It was painful at first, but then as we continued to make love and me on top rocking back and forth on his cock the pain faded into a need to release all the built up sexual tension we had. The room was filled with his growls and purrs, while I filled it with my screams of pleasure and moans of want. As he continued to pump with his huge cock in me I felt something building up inside of me like a knot in my stomach and I knew I was close.

"La'jar! Ah! I'm close!" I screamed in pleasure. At the mention of me reaching my peak he picked up his pace and switched me to where I was below him and he was on top. He kept up his pace never faltering as he gripped the head of the bed cracking the head board in half, and roaring and growling in the amount of his pleasure.

"My lou'dte kale, come for me my Ag'ape! I'm close to as well!" he roared as he pounded his cock in me faster that I felt fireworks light my vision. I screamed in complete ecstasy having my first orgasm and Climax there were no words to describe the amount of pleasure and love that filled my when I came.

"RAAAOOORR!!!" La'jar roared as I felt him cum inside and I swear I orgasmed again because of how warm and thick his cum was. Everything was so indescribable, I lay there out of breath with him next to me exhausted as well, I felt proud and yet happy at the same time that he was my first and I did it with the one I loved... 

*Author Crissillis: Let me know what you all think! XD XP*

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