Chapter 62

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"She was very worried about you," said La'jar as I handed him Neveah.

"Who?" I asked confused by who he meant.

"Torie," he said simply as Neveah cooed happily as La'jar began purring lulling Neveah to sleep easily.

"*sigh* of course she would be very worried she, *sigh* I'm one of the few people who actually understand her the most since I raised most of her life," I say mentally exhausted.

"All will be well Ag'ape," says La'jar as nuzzles my head reassuring me.

"I wish life really were that simple, but it never was for and Torie when we were on our own, but I hope this new chapter in our lives will bring more good will than the bad ones," I say as I kiss the side of his mandible and go to Torie.

La'jar's POV

I had been going crazy while my Lou'dte kale Nicole was in there I had wanted to unleash my fury on Natasha, but when we did catch the supposed Natasha it had turned out to be a changeling in which I was beyond furious. I ripped the head off the changeling and told one of my clan members to clean it up and polished so that I may have it as one of my trophies.

"I want those things dead," I said in a deadly tone as the other clan leaders agreed with me even Clan leader Sul'lo even asked for an alliance with my clan and the other clans. after what happened to his mate he wasn't going to be taking any chance in which I had agreed wholeheartedly. Because of this little incident with the changelings we had questioned the other two who had held Sul'lo's mate captive we had them being questioned at the moment while all the troops had gone out to find out how those things got in the first place!

"The simulation still needs some work but we are able to send at least one being to go in after to see if she is still alive in the sim," said the engineer which had me bristling at the mention of my mate being killed it had taken to long for my liking.

"I will go," I say to him even though most give me an incredulous look.

"La'jar that is unwise for you to go let one of-" I cut off Untar who tries to counsel me but I'm not having any of it today.

"May mate is stuck in a simulation with no real weapons, carrying four of my pups, and has no idea where she is the terrain let alone know where to look for food and water! And your telling me it is unwise for me to go in there by myself, and look for her, not knowing if she is alright at all? Or if any of my pups that she is carrying are severely injured!?" I ask him in a deadly tone and this shuts everyone up at my seriousness.

"Put me in the simulation NOW!" I yell at the engineer as he nods his head and starts typing away at the controls. Torie who is holding Neveah who is fussing as she tries to calm her down. "I'll bring you mother unharmed soon my pup I promise," I thought in my head as the Engineer looks at me.

"Be warned it will beam you in a different area than from where she is now clan Leader La'jar," said the engineer as I nod my head to him as he beams me in. "I'll find you my Lou'dte kale whatever it takes," I thought in my head as I was beamed up in a swamp like area.

I surveyed my area to see if I could find anything that indicated my Lou'dte kale was near the area. I decided to get higher ground to find my Lou'dte kale and see if I could find anything that would indicate that she was at least near the area. Then I saw a pack of Gellososs tearing at a Vendalla when I notice one of them catching a scent and movement under one of the bushes I then use my bio mask to see what it had picked up, and notice a familiar looking shape but then it disappears from my heat detector. The beast stops it's search as it turns it's head away and runs off with it's pack and the thing that was under the bush is cover in mud but I recognize that shape NICOLE!

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