Chapter 37

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"Torie I have a question for you," says my cousin as she looks down at me and I look at her with a curious face as I tilt my head to her.

"What's the question?" I ask her now curious.

"How did you and Vayuh'ta meet?" she says and this cause me to giggle.

"It's a long story," I say smiling at Vayuh'ta as he hides his face behind Tri'ste's leg.

Nicole's POV

"I was beyond pissed that Tri'ste was here if he so much as decides to test me again I'm going to make I kill him," I thought in my head angrily. I was going off to check on Torie while La'jar dealt with other matters with his tribe I was to meet him for dinner with Torie so we can introduce to the other Pupils, mentors, and teachers. "They were trying my patients those Mentors, but I wasn't going to have them get the satisfaction of watching me squirm. Oh no they will get their turn and I'll be the one laughing as they bow submissively." I thought in my head evilly. When I entered Torie's room I didn't find her anywhere her clothes from yesterday were on the floor, and one of the clothings from her closet was missing. I then started to panic and went to find La'jar to see if he could help me find Torie because I'm starting to become a mess as we speak terrified of what could happen to her. As I was making my way to La'jar's discussion room as I call it, it's where he meets with all of his generals and aristocrats of his tribe to try and solve troubling matters. The two guards that were stationed outside put their spears in front creating an X in front of me.

"Sorry lou'dte kale but you are not permitted to enter this is a private matter," say the guar to my left.

This is what they look like:

I stare him down not wanting to have any of it because I was in full mama bear mode and my cub was missing

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I stare him down not wanting to have any of it because I was in full mama bear mode and my cub was missing. I was going to find her if it was the last thing I did, and no one was going to stop me from finding her.

"Is that so? Then tell La'jar that his lou'dte kale would like to speak with him, or is that going to be a problem?" I ask them in a stern tone not showing any fear whatsoever. The two guards look at one another and no their heads as the guard to the right enters the room i hear La'jar's voice he seems a bit pissed that the guard interrupted him but as soon as I hear the familiar word Lou'dte kale. I see La'ja step out of the room immediately and look at me with concern as he approaches me.

"What is the matter my lou'dte kale?" asked La'jar as he strokes the side of my face looking at me with worry. I instantly rela at his touch but I still worry for my cousin Tori.

"It's Torie, I can't find her anywhere, when I looked in her room she wasn't there," I admit to worried for my cousin's well being. Since it was still early in the morning here I don't know where she could've gotten too so early in the morning. La'jar is surprised at the news knowing very well that Torie usually stay with me or somewhere safe at all times.

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