Chapter 44

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Once R'ka brings the ship around Tri'ste runs in with Torie first and then La'jar close behind with me. We are about to take off when the Queen has a hold on our ship La'jar and Tri'ste try to close the door manually while shooting at the queen. That door and this ship can't get out of here unless that queen is taken I get up and grab my spear and run out of the door jumping onto the queens back stabbing her.

"NICOLE!!!" Shouts La'jar as he tries to go after me only for the door to close and the ship to take off. The Queen and I are thrashing around in the air until I finally find her heart and blast a hole in her chest that leaves her body finally lifeless. I'm still free falling but thankfully I'm able to stop my fall with the large vegetation here, and as soon as I hit the ground I hear a large BOOM! "The bomb!" I thought in my head as I run for the remaining of my life. The blast knocks me over and knocks me out as I knock my head against something hard knocking me out. . .

La'jar's POV

As soon as I saw Nicole jump out of the opening of the ship and onto the Queen Xenomorphs back my world stopped.

"NICOLE!!!" I shouted as I tried to reach out her.

Everything felt as if it went into slow motion and I tried to go after her but the ships door closed before I could even get the chance to reach out for her. I crashed into the door slamming my fists on the ship door going to the edges to tear it off its hinges and go after her, but Tri'ste held me back.

"LA'JAR!!! KI' CTE!!! LA'JAR KI' CTE!!! KI' CTE!!! KI' CTE!!! LA'JAR KI' CTE!!!!!" Repeated Tri'ste but I didn't listen to him as I fought against him to trying to get the damn door open so I could go after Nicole.

"H'KO, NICOLE NEEDS ME! I HAVE TO GO AFTER HER! LET ME GO TRI'STE!!!" I shouted as I continued to fight against him shoving him off as I make my way to the door again.

"NICOLE!!! NICOLE!!! NICOLE! Nicole!... Nicole!" I repeated her name over and over and over again and again I had never felt this type of lose before it killed me. It's killing me from the inside I felt cold and I needed my lou'dte kale's warmth to fill this empty hole in my chest and take away my sadness just by smiling at me. I needed my Lou'dte kale by my side, I needed Nicole to keep me sane, I loved her and it killed me every time I had to be away from her. I would long for sensation her touch gave me, I would crave her scent every time I was away, and I would yearn for just the chance to hear her beautiful laugh and voice. She drove me to pure insanity when she wasn't by my side, heck I was going crazy right now not having her with me and not knowing if she was safe or not.

"La'jar? La'jar H'ko KI' CTE!" said R'ka as he came to aide Tri'ste in stopping me from opening the damn door.

"KI' CTE! La'jar! She's gone! She's GONE!!!... The bomb already went off" said Tri'ste with sorrow in his voice. At this my fighting ceases but my chest hurts with this unknown pain that I felt with not having Nicole by my side and knowing that he's right. Never seeing her is killing me slowly to insanity, I actually fell to my knees as my eyes began to water for the first time in my life. I touched my face now feeling the tears for the first time in my life and shocked that this was the type of sadness that the Oomans talked about. I never knew this kind of sadness not even when my sisters or mother died from the disease that overtook the females of my kind. This pain was a hundred times worse and stung from the inside eating me alive. The pup Torie was bursting out crying in the corner as she wailed for her cousin, and yelled with all the agony that was in her chest as she clutched her chest tightly.

"COOOOLLLIIIEEEEE!!!!" she wailed and cried as she curled up in a ball with all the pain she felt pouring out of her. I new Torie's pain, Tri'ste and R'ka felt the loss I did when they bowed their heads and closing their eyes and rumbling softly knowing the loss of any warrior was a harsh one especially if that warrior is the tribes Lou'dte kale.

"She is with Paya now or as your people say with ancestors, spirits, and Heaven," says R'ka.

"Indeed, she is never really gone she is always with you says," Tri'ste as he tries to help comfort the pup but it does very little.

"I don't want her in heaven! I her here with me," says the pup Torie as she storms off crying with Tri'ste chasing after, but I got up not wanting to be herein the room where I lost her. I didn't go to my quarters I went to the front of the ship to pilot it we were going back to my clan. There will be a time to mourn but right now I didn't want to think about the loss of my lou'dte kale I just wanted to bury myself in the work that needed to be done.

*Time skip*

I had asked R'ka to send a message to Nicole's other cousin Alexis I didn't have the mentality or strength to deal with anyone.

"So, this is what it feels like to be mentally drained? Huh, now I know what you meant Nicole," I say out loud and looking up knowing she is probably listening to me.

Once we make it to Yautja Prime there were three Elders waiting for us when we got off the ship. Elders Teätro, Fujïr, and even Hondär who judged our trial with the mentors had come they looked as if they were expecting someone but I knew who they were waiting for only to be disappointed when they didn't see her with us.

"Where is your Lou'dte kale Nicole La'jar?" asked Elder Teätro with concern.

"She's gone," says Tri'ste with bitterness in his voice as he carried a sleeping Torie in his arms.

"I'm sorry for your loss Clan Leader La'jar, Lou'dte kale Nicole will be missed," said Elder Fujïr in a sorrowful tone.

"Indeed," agreed Hondär nodding his head saddened by the loss of my Lou'dte kale. I just thanked them for coming and they were off on their own while the rest of my clan Mourned at the loss of their Lou'dte kale. I got word from R'ka that Lou'dte kale Alexis and her mate Clan leader Guan-thwei would be here for the mourning ceremony for the loss of her Cousin. Everyone would wear whatever color their traditions held whether it be black, white, red, or any other color. The ceremony would take place in the Evening of tomorrow because I didn't want to deal with the ceremony today... not after the loss with my lou'dte kale being so fresh and new.

Author Crissillis: I know this chapter is like super shoooort but I promise that the next chapter will be longer! Please be patient because I promise that Nicole will be next!!! And you'll get to see into what she's going through with being on her own! XD XP ;-)

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