Chapter 22

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"No one did, I kind of got that vibe while hanging around all of you," I admit to him being honest for once. He stares at me for a while and then he starts to laugh. "Is it weird to find his laugh a turn on since he has such a deep voice? Wait no I'm not attracted to him! Yes you are and you can't deny it! Wait who are you? I'm you! No your not I'm me! We are the same person and you are slowly falling for him and you know it!" I argue with myself.

"We will be reaching Yautjan Prime soon do you wish to go through with the Physical?" He asks me unsure of how I will react. I stare at him for a long while and nod my head yes.

"Might as well since you made me your lou-dte kale, so long as you don't make me do anything I'm not comfortable with we are good," I say to him with all seriousness and it seems he breaths a breath of relief and contacts some one but I'm to zoned out with my thoughts about what this Physical consists of.

La'jar's POV

As soon as I walked back into my quarters and Nicole was awake I couldn't tell her, I could not tell her that she was part Yautjan, I thought it would be better if I tell her when they are finished with her physical. I could tell there was something off about her her cheeks were flushed and wouldn't look me in the eye when I asked her what was wrong. She wouldn't face me everytime I asked her the question of what was on her mind it seemed like she didn't want to tell me great now I'm going to have to ask Clan leader Guan-thwei about it later. "Ugh I already don't know that much about my female already how much more don't I know about her? It's infuriating!" I think in my head frustrated.

"How long until we reach Yautjan Prime?" she asks me.

"We should be there in about as your human time states an hour," I replied to her question and she nods her head as she looks at the pup that snores without a care in the world.

"Do you have a window on the ship so I can look outside it? I've never been to outer space before let alone see what it looks like," she says to me honestly as she looks at me with hopeful eyes. "Damn if she keeps looking at me like that I'm not sure how long I'll be able to hold myself back," I think in my head.

"Sie-i there is a place on the ship," I tell her and her whole face lights up.

"Really?! Let's go!" She says getting excited and grabs my hand as she pulls me out of my quarters along with her.

"Wait slow down you don't even know where it is!" I say surprised she is able to pull me with her.

"Come on then slowpoke! I thought you were a hunter! Aren't you suppose to have lots of stamina and speed?!" she says still pulling me along with her. "Now she shaming my stamina as a warrior! That's it!" I thought in my head. I then proceed to throw her over my shoulder and start running to the Throne room with Nicole on my shoulder laughing and yelling while throwing playful punches against my back.

"Ah! HA HA HA! La'jar put me down! Ah! HA HA HA!" She says through a laughing fit, I was so distracted with showing her how fast and well my stamina was. That I didn't even realize she said my name for the first time. I then put her down once we make it to the throne room with her laughing and smiling at me. There wasn't anyone in the throne room since the ship was on autopilot while everyone was asleep. I push a few buttons so the front view of the ship would show the stars and different galaxies we passed by.

This is what Nicole is looking at:

This is what Nicole is looking at:

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"Ha ha ha... oh, wow..." she says as her laughter dies down and is replace with one of pure astonishment you could see how her eyes up and she smiled in front of me for the first time. I couldn't help but feel the warmth in my chest rise again as she stared off into the stars ahead.

"I take it you like it?" I ask her hoping to hear her express how she feels about it.

"I don't like," she says with all seriousness while facing me and this throws me off.

"Wha- but you-" I start off but then she cuts me off and smiles at me.

"I love it! I've never seen so many stars, though I wish I could see the Northern lights again," she says as she continues to stare off into the stars and I breath a sigh of relief glad she doesn't hate it.

"Do you mean the Aurora borealis? As your people call them." I ask her and nods her head.

"Yes those are the ones I think they are just as beautiful as the stars at night me and my parents would watch them when I was little I even go to do it with my Aunt and Uncle and cousins as well when I lived with them." She explains as if she was smiling at the memory she cherished with her family.

"If you do not mind me asking," I say to her and she looks at me with a questioning look.

"What was you life like with your nrak'ytara, or guardians as you say?" I ask her as she chuckled at me.

"You mean Life with my parents," she corrects me. "Life... was good I mean sure we had our struggles but we were happy just being together," she says smiling. "I would always remember the times when we went into town, my mother teaching me how to speak other languages, cook and sow of course. My father taught me how to hunt, and Navigate since you have to know where you are going in the wilderness of Alaska." She explains to me.

"Then who taught you how to fight then?" I ask her confused at how well she learned how to fight.

"My Uncle Robert he use to be an Marine, or you know a warrior for our country, he thought it would do him good he just stayed in the wilderness away from all the action of war," she says to me smiling at the fond memories she had with her family. "Ah... so that explains it," I thought in my head.

"So... What was life like for you growing up?" she asks me smiling in wonder. I stand there thinking for a moment before I collect my thoughts.

"I was born and raised to be a hunter, you see the females don't stick around to teach their pups how to be warriors that's the males job. I was always with my father as he taught me the roles about being a clan leader, there really wasn't time for anything else I hardly ever saw my mother she was to busy looking after pups or the clan. I didn't know we all didn't know this disease would get out of hand until it was to late and to took all of females my surprise they died with in a month all of our scientists and experts did everything they could. Not even that was enough to stop the virus from spreading to every female in our clans." I say down hearted as I remember standing next to my mother as she took her last breaths of life I just finished passing my chiva. She said she wanted to be around when I took my Chiva and passed it,she wanted to be there when I found my mate she wanted to meet her, and I know she would be proud of Nicole if she were to meet her. Nicole noticed my change in mood as she wrapped her arms around my right arm and rested her head against it.

"I know what it's like to lose your mother to a terrible death," she says as she continues to look at the stars ahead of us and this catches my attention.

"How so?" I ask her now curious and at this she tenses up as she turns away from me.

"I just do ok." she says in a curt tone as she buries her face farther in my arm not wanting me to see her.

"Alright," I say as I stroke her soft head with my other hand she tenses up at first but then eases up and leans into my touch. "My little mate, my lou-dte kale," I think in my head.

Please forgive me I know this chapter is short but I felt like posting it today!!! XD XP Let me know what you all think by for now my lovely readers let me know what you all think in the comments!!! XD XP

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