Chapter 71

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"I won't let them take you away from my lou'dte kale they will die by my hands long before they can even take you away from me and our pup. I won't let them my Lou'dte kale, I won't let them harm you and our future pups as well." he said trying to comfort me as I shook with fear in his arms. I already know what these things are capable of but I was even more worried about my little ones more than anything since they want to get to me they will get to them first and what's worse is that they most likely use them against me.

"I'm scared La'jar, I'm really scared right now," I say trembling in him because I wasn't frightened for my well being but all of my children's well being. It's the first time I felt fear for a really

"You have nothing to fear my Lou'dte kale I am here for you and our pups, I won't let them take you away not if I have anything to do about it," he says trying to ease me but I still feel uneasy for the future of all the clans and my children.

La'jar's POV

I held my Lou'dte kale closer to me because I know what is going on through her head and because her hormones were acting up again because she is expecting our four new pups. Her whole frame shook with fear and it was killing me that these creatures had come so far to make my Lou'dte kale tremble with fear and what's worse is that they want to take her away from me. If they took her away they would kill all traces of her family and our four pups that she is baring.

I held her close to me as she let her tears roll down her face silently I know she didn't want to draw so much attention to herself and to alarm her cousins why she is crying. I knew we needed to leave so I had called for the pup Torie to stay with Neveah and her older sister since Nicole was feeling tired. The pup didn't argue as she stayed with Neveah and continued to play with her. I carried Nicole the rest of the way to our chambers and had her sit on the bed while I drew a bath for her I then lead her to the washroom she had been covered in the Savanna's birthing blood and I knew enough that warm baths always soothed her. Ani'vanke had been ecstatic and terrified when he got word that the medic wouldn't be able to see his Lou'dte kale and ran immediately see her after returning from the small battle that took place. We were all told that Nicole had helped the birthing of his newest male pup and made his way to see his new son. When I heard of this I was dreading to tell Nicole of the news that the changelings wanted my Lou'dte kale but I had no choice in the matter since she saw right through my facade. I was beyond enraged with myself since I had no way of helping my Lou'dte kale both mentally and emotionally I wanted to tell her that everything was going to be alright but deep down I knew it wasn't all I could promise her was that I would stop at nothing to keep her safe and our pups safe from harm.

"Come my Lou'dte kale I have drawn a bath for your sake of getting the blood off of you," I say in hopes she will agree to a bath. She nodded her head and allowed me to help her out of the clothes she wore and undo her braid as well.

"Thank you La'jar," she said to me as she wrapped a towel around herself, blushing, and not looking meeting my eyes.

"No need to thank me my Lou'dte kale I would do anything to keep our growing family safe," I say bringing her closer to me and having her look up at me as I see the tears that want to escape from her eyes. I've never seen Nicole this upset before as I have only known her for what seems like a short while I had only seen her be well collected of her emotions, a strong leader, and passionate about the things that matter to her most.

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