Chapter 19

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"Ok... I understand the privacy part, but were the restraints really necessary? I mean It's not like it hurts right?" she asks easing up but yet still on edge.

"Sei-i, yes will burn for a little bit but will ease up after a few minutes, have all day to do markings." I explain she tenses up and seems like she wants to run but holds her ground. "This is going to be a long day," I thought in my head.

Nicole's POV

"Why is it going to take all day? What else was he planning? And what else is he planning? Where is Torie?" I thought in my head with all of these questions whirling around in my head.

"I could still do without the restraints, I don't see the need for them, besides that I still haven't accepted you as mate or husband or whatever you call it," I say bluntly. At this he bristles with anger and tries to intimidate me little does he know I've already been through hell and looked at many demons in the eyes. To me both his kind, and mine are no different, none of them could make me feel fear there's only one thing I fear and that's losing my family...

"You're right, you haven't accepted me, but yet you have forgotten that you challenged me to catch you when you ran and I succeed in your capture when you tried to escape from me multiple times?" he says challenging my accusation towards him.

"Alright I'll accept you as you call it mate, if you do one thing for me, and If you can't guarantee the one thing I ask of you the deals off, and I get to be free of this place once and for all, Deal?" I ask challenging his glare. He seems surprised that I would want to strike a deal with him but at the mention of me leaving him he starts to tense up getting the feeling that this is a trap. I then smile innocently at him knowing that I have right where I want him and if he holds up to his word I'm not going anywhere this way is a win win since his kind love challenges.

"What kind of deal?" He asks me once he stops bristling.

Victoria's (Torrie's) POV

I was shifting around the front opening of the ship worried sick about my cousin Nicole I mean who wouldn't be? After being taken by aliens, second held hostage even though they haven't done anything bad to us and thirdly being separated from the only family you have ever known! I've always been with Nicole for oh say I don't know MY WHOLE ENTIRE FREAKING LIFE! And now she who knows where with the alien that abducted us even though he did take us to see my older sister who I still have a grudge on but I'm working my way with her earning our trust again.

"Ease up pup, your cousin will be fine she is doing ritual, after ritual both she and our clan leader La'jar will be coming back. Her standing as the clan leaders loud'te kale will secure your future for this tribe even more so since your sister is also a loud'te kale for a clan leader. Being the relative of both great clan leader's mates give your more privileges and security rights." says the one named Centanu.

"Thank you Centanu, that helps a little bit," I say to him. He's been so nice to me and my cousin since we got here I felt like I could trust him he's like the father I never had true I was still little when the fire broke out but thankfully Nicole and Allie were there to take care of me. I was indeed grateful to both of the especially Nicole. I'm just worried about her is all I've hardly been away from Nicole, ever since those things or Yautjan as I've learned what their species is called, took my sister Alexis away from us. Nicole's always had me by her hip not afraid that they'll take me away but that they'll take herself away from me and that I'd be left by myself with no one to look after me.

"How long does this ritual last?" I ask Cen that's the new nickname I decided to give him since I'm not that good at pronouncing names yet.

"The longest that a ritual has lasted was at least two days it depends on your cousin's pain tolerance," he says explaining the time difference to me. "Wait pain tolerance!?" I think in my head.

"What do you mean by pain tolerance!?" I ask now terrified, "My cousin is going to be in pain!? That means she's in trouble! I need to go save her!" I thought in my head urgently as I dashed away from the ship to go to my cousin's rescue, but Cen grabbed me from behind only to be thrown over his shoulder while I screamed and kicked for him to let me go.

"Ki'cte! Torrie!" Shouted Cen as he threw me off his shoulder and onto the ships Docking boardwalk.

"Ow..." I complain as I rub my poor bottom.

"That's what you get little pup," he says scolding me asI glare at him and cross my arms as I pout frustrated that I can't leave.

"Ki'cte, Your cousin will return young one, in due time, you just need to be patient," he explains and that brings a smile on my face because I remember my cousin telling me something similar.

"You know, I remember my cousin telling me something very similar to what you just said," I say to Cen, he tilts his head at me curious at what my cousin has told me.

"Oh? And what would you cousin say?" he asks me since I spiked his curiosity.

"She would always tell me whenever she was teaching me to hunt that is, all good things happen to those who wait Torrie, you must always be patient Torrie when the time is right you will know and strike it will with everything you got," I say remembering the words of wisdom she would tell me.

"Wise words from one so young... How did your cousin come across this much knowledge at such a young age? There are Yautjan who are older than her and haven't come close to learning as much as she does." he says pride brimming from his voice and curiosity as well.

I shrug my shoulders at him, "I don't know there were always the towns people who would be kind enough to help Colie and I out when they could but Nicole always declined their offers of help." I explain.

He seems to understand from where Nicole and I come from which mind boggles him since he is starting to have a better understanding at mine and my cousin's relationship.

"Seems to me that your cousin is a smart lou-dte kale indeed," he says with pride and his comment seems to fill me up with even more pride of my cousin.

"I was about to say more that is until he tenses up and guards me but then eases up when he notices to figures and bows his head greeting... *gasp* Colie! I think in my head.

Thank you all for your love, commitment, and reviews of my story we all have currently reached a total of over 19k views love you my readers so much never in a million years would I have thought that I would reach this many views in my entire life THANK YOU! and I promise that the next chapter will be longer! Love you all! and Until next time on Chosen to be a Yautjan's Mate!!! XD XP

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