Chapter 13

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Last Time on Nicole's POV




"Why would you care? You forgot all about me and Torie while you were living the highlights here and you know what? That lady that you are defending right now, was threatening my cousin who is your little sister Allie and she's nine! Who do you think had to defend her when she was on Earth and while you were here with you own personal guards? Huh? Me. Who gave her clothes on her back while you were here having clothing handmade for you? Me. Who taught her how to hunt while you feasted on food here? Me. Who taught her how to navigate while you have fancy gadgets to track? ME! Who taught her how to trade and negotiate? ME Allie that's who! So don't you ever say I didn't do it without reason! I did it with all the reason in this goddamn Galaxy! And you know what? Let your mate and the one that abducted me be enemies for life because for what you did to me and Torie can never be forgiven, not today and not ever! Do have any idea how many times I cried myself to sleep worrying about you Allie and to think all that time was wasted and you never once thought about me," I yell as Torie looks shocked at me but confused at the same time and then saddened.

Victoria's POV (aka Torie)

I stood there shocked not that my cousin Nicole punched the lady that was yelling at me, but the fact that my sister never even thought of me or Nicole! Nicole spent nights crying herself to sleep even though I had no idea why she was crying. I just thought Allie had been on a trip somewhere when those things took her, and would one day return to appease Nicole's heart ache. Now even I was mad at my own sister because she was the only that brought Nicole to tears and broke her spirit. During those days it was the only time I had ever seen Nicole cry her heart out, later on I realized that Allie wasn't coming after months had passed, and Nicole became cold to those around her and she became harder on me. The once great outgoing, sweet, and gentle cousin that I once knew was gone once Allie left. Nicole became a totally different person instead of always having fun she made sure to put as much of her spare time into training me to be on my own and hold my own. She would teach me how to fight, navigate, negotiate, and hunt; if Nicole were taken like Alexis and I wasn't with her I would never have survived on my own. Nicole's been the one looking after me and when someone tried to get close to me she would, as she would say, tell them off. Every Time I was in trouble or had trouble with something it was always Nicole that was beside me, and teaching me how to do things and letting me learn things on my own. Nicole was always there when my sister was suppose to be one teaching me things. Instead of having Alexis around I had Nicole she filled the role of an older sister.

"Is it true Alex?" I ask my sister with a hard stare I was old enough to know if a person was lying thanks to my cou- no my sister Nicole.

She looks at me but says nothing her silence says it all as I stand up to her looking her in the eyes.

"No it's not s-" starts Alexis.

"Don't lie to me ALEX!" I shout as I feel tears brimming at my eyes.

She stares at me and glares at my outburst, "Where are your manners Victoria, I know mother ne-" she starts again but I cut her off before Nicole could speak.

"Mother's no longer here! And you weren't there when Nicole was completely broken when you left! She cried for your return for months! Allie! So don't you dare start lying to me because as far as I'm concerned Nicole has been the only one that stood up for me while you were scolding her! She's been the only one defending me and taking care of me ever since you forgot and left us to fend for ourselves. I may be a child but at least I know who my real sister is, the only one who's been with through thick and thin with me. Nicole is the one who always puts me first before her needs, who has helped me survive in the woods of Alaska, who taught me how defend myself in a fight, and never forgets about me," I say in a deadly tone that not even I knew I was capable of. "So don't you ever say anything about her teachings because she has taught me everything that I need to know I say defending Nicole. I see tears forming on Nicole's face along with Alexis's face and smiles form on both as they both laugh, "huh? Did I say something funny to these two?" I think in my head.

"Well I guess I can't compete with that now can I? I know I hurt you both but I hope I can make it up to the both of and earn both of your trust, " says Allie smiling at us two. I look to Nicole to see her reaction and just smiles at Alex and nods her head.

"I think we can work something out," she say all anger gone as she wipes her tears away.

"Did I miss something?" I say to both as they drag me into a bone crushing hug as they squish me like a pancake. "Hey can't breathe!" I wheeze out.

"Shut up!" I hear both say as I try to wriggle out, but give up and laugh with the three of them feeling at peace.

"This feels familiar," I say as they loosen up but continue laugh and hug me. "This feels like home the home that I missed being apart of," I think in my head and smile.

"Yes it does," says Nicole kissing my head along with Allie.

La'jar's POV

Guan-thwei and I have just finished discussing all the details of our new found peace treaty and hope to rebuild all the damage that was bestowed upon us when before we found our chosen lou-dte kales. So when Guan-thwei and I go to retrieve our females from the Duneswe (aka Daycare place) We are meet with a sight We never thought possible our females arguing with on another, scolding each other even their little pup was scolding her own blooded sister, and then the strangest thing happens they are laughing while crying and holding one another. "I will never understand females, let alone oomans" I think in my head.

"I am amazed at how well your female has taken care of the pup that does not even belong to her, and taught her all those things while being in her custody. You have a special female indeed... Don't change her La'jar, embrace her, she wants what's best for not only her but those around her. She has good intentions for those around her and will not hesitate to stand up for those around her, don't mess that up." says Guan-thwei as he goes to greet his mate I stand there contemplating on what he's has told me we the Yautja race were taught to be great hunters and to respect our elders at all costs and the ways of the hunt in Nature. "Never have I ever thought that our traditions would change with our race dying out because we had failed to keep a close eye on our females and having to be with Oomans I was repulsed by the near idea of it in the beginning that is until I met my mate... Nicole was her name. I later heard from Guan-thwei what the meaning of her name meant, which had actually suited her in more ways than one. Nicole, the meaning of Strong, protective, free in spirit, and yet loving to those around them that they trust. It reminds me of most female lou-dte kale's that are Yautja many became strong warriors and fine huntresses, as well as great mother's to their young. For me to find that in a Ooman female was extremely rare in many cases I was happened to stumble upon her by chance and I didn't even mean to find an Ooman mate I was planning on giving it to my Second in command R'ka after the council had told me to pick a mate or give the title to your SIC. After Finding Nicole in harsh conditional weather and finding out how well she could be on her own. I told the Elders of her and they were pleased to hear me take an interest in her, and had asked why I didn't take her with me I had told them that my female was not of age yet to be claimed, but would be in four more season. When they had heard at how young she was they had their doubts about her being inexperienced with everything. I had defended her honor then and told of what I had seen when I had first meet her and how she was not only taking care of the pup but how she was able to defend, hunt and care for herself in the process of also taking care of the pup that was with her. Many had been looking forward to meeting the female I described to them and would wait to meet her after I returned to Yautja Prime our home planet where they resigned. I know I could not wait to show her the whole Galaxy and all of its' beauty to her and all the pups that I will give her." I think in my head.

I looked at my female, Nicole, she still looked skeptical at Guan-thwei but introduced herself to him since was not well acquainted with our kind. "I hope to change her opinion in the near future," I think in my head happily as I go greet my lou-dte kale and the pup that that is greeting Guan-thwei and his mate Alexis.

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