Chapter 73 part 3

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"Colie!" said Torie running from her fellow pupils and students as she ran as fast as she could to Nicole and Nicole quickly making her way to Torie as she held onto her tightly and kissed her, all over her face causing Torie to giggle and let out a few tears of her own.

"I've missed you, Colie" said Torie not letting go of her cousin as she sobbed into her and Nicole trying to calm her down as she gently stroked her head and hushing her to calm down and that she was alright and would always return to her when she needed her.

"There, there, I'm here, I'm here," said Nicole as she kissed the top of her head.

"Mama, papa!" shouted a voice I knew all too well.

"Neveah," I said as I grabbed my daughter from Lou'dte kale Alexis and held her in my arms as walked over to Nicole reached out with one hand to me and Neveah kissing her left cheek as she giggled at the sensation. "I'm doing this to protect my family and everyone in my tribe we have to, I won't let anything happen to Nicole or my family." I thought in my head determined to keep this peaceful life at bay.

Nicole's POV

The war lasted for another week or so until everyone had faked their retreat and we had sent a transmission saying we surrendered. I could La'jars grasp on me tense as I had done the same it was time and her knew what we needed to do the transmissions we had sent out would be returned shortly as the ships we had called to the front lines would be here shortly to join the war.

"I do not like that you have to be the one to bait those monstrosities,my Lou'dte kale," said La'jar as the messenger left and we made our way to the main temple or capital as I call it. There I found Stella in beautiful elegant armor that shaped with her body perfectly of course they needed to keep her out of sight until the enemy came.

"Soon Girl soon and then you raise hell as much as you want on the ones that wish to harm our home." I said as she nuzzled me affectionately. La'jar came by my side said that we had to leave part three of the plan was now in motion and I knew I would see Stella soon.

*A few Hours later*

It had been hours before the changelings had accepted the transmission and that wasn't the only thing we had to worry about it the fact that they were expecting their king to be coming over as well to receive his prize as well in person. The plan had changed drastically when we got word of this and since we had faked our surrender many of the Changeling soldiers had demanded to be entertained and I knew what that had entailed all to well. I could feel my blood begin to boil as I thought of the other women being safely secured away from these pigs.

"Where are all the pretty women that I've heard about such as yourself Lou'dte kale... me and my men are anxious for some action. Bring them out I'm sure we can show them the best time of their lives." he said grabbing onto my waist and bring his face closer to mine, I could smell the intoxication in his breathe as he brought his head near me and drank from his challice.

"They are in the other tribes sir I'm afraid we have no entertainment for you and your men here," I say trying hard not to anger them and looking to the side of me as La'jar is bristling at the Changeling that dares to lay a hand on me. I could see how he was struggling with himself to stop the changeling and keep me in his grasp and shield me from their eyes.

"Is that so?... To bad... I guess you'll have to suffice for now." Said the Changeling as he threw me in the hungry arms of his comrades. Many were waiting to receive me when La'jar stepped in to stop them all from their crude antics of having their way with me. I knew La'jar was beyond pissed at the feel of how tense his grip was around me, I never liked being handled as if I were an item and La'jar knew what I would do to these creatures if they were to try something like that again.

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