Chapter 47

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"Because your great grandmother my son Küzŏn's mother Nina was a human was to be the betrothed of King Gues'de. I rescued her from her harsh predicament, she was nothing more than a slave to him in his eyes. I knew what I was getting myself into when I took her from that horrible place, she was labeled as his property but by making her my mate he would no longer have claim over her. King Gues'de heard of her escaping and becoming my mate he was furious. He wanted her and my family dead but Yautja Law stated once you had already claimed a mate and mated her the tribe and tribes would do anything to protect a fellow clan member. The other Elders heard of this and knew that she was expecting my pup. They told King Gues'de that she was already expecting and I had already claimed her as my mate. Therefore they could not claim her any longer, she was safe so long as she was with me you see, but all good things come to an end when I was away on a hunting trip they came to my home and killed my mate, but they didn't get my pup Küzŏn for Nina had hid him well. So when I came home I found her body dead in our room I mourned for her but she was already gone. I then searched for our pup everywhere in our home and I found his hiding place thankful that he was not harmed, but at a cost. I lost my mate that day and I would hunt down her killers and make sure they didn't kill anymore of my family, I'm sorry we couldn't make it to your mother and father or your Aunt and Uncle, and for that we will make sure you make it back to Yautja Prime. On top of that they were the exact reason why all of our females died out they sent out the disease." says my great grandfather, and my grandfather nodding with him.

"I may not agree with you leaving and not being able to save my family but I thank you, for saving me and willingly to take me back to Yautja Prime. It will take me time to consider you two family since I don't exactly know you that well." I say and they both nod their heads in understanding.

"We understand and thank you for listening to our explanation," says my great grandfather. "I may not trust them entirely but I am grateful that they saved me," I thought in my head as I sat down near Stella as I rubbed her head and looked down at my round stomach lovingly thinking about my little one.

Victoria's (aka Torie) POV

*one month after Nicole's funeral*

This is Torie:

I watched as my days passed by I was beyond depressed as Colie was when they took Allie from us, but Colie isn't here and she promised she would be here

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I watched as my days passed by I was beyond depressed as Colie was when they took Allie from us, but Colie isn't here and she promised she would be here. It was all my fault that she's gone everyone says that it was not my fault that it was a set up from the beginning. The will to fight had left me when Colie was pronounced dead, Allie would visit me whenever she could try to cheer me up but I felt as if my mind was drifting but my body was still here. I was too sad to do anything Tri'ste would try to cheer my up along with Vayuh'ta, but everything they did just reminded me of Colie. Heck even La'jar was depressed as Fuck! All he did was bury himself with work so he didn't have to think about Colie nobody noticed it but I did he would always have spare time for me and Colie. But because she isn't here I feel myself wasting away, the Elders have told La'jar that it would be better if he picked another Lou'dte kale at this both he and I were furious that they would eve suggest it! He declined their offer and would change the subject as to steer the conversation another way.

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