Chapter 58

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"Woah this place is huge!" exclaimed Torie as she stared in awe at everything.

"Yes it is Torie and soon we'll be able to see Allie too," says Nicole as she smiles down at Torie and kissing her cheek causing the young pup to giggle.

"Where to La'jar?" asked my Lou'dte kale and I pointed to the area that we were required to be.

"There you will need to wait in the large room next to it with Stella and the pups there should be other Lou'dte kale's in there as well once all the clan leaders are here we will join you I say nuzzling her as she nods her head understanding what I had told her. As I get off Stella and we both part ways even though it pains me to leave her alone there alone with the pups she has Stella and a few guards but that still doesn't make it any easier. "Might as well get this over with," I thought in my head as I walk into the room where there are a few clan leaders and all the Elders are.

Nicole's POV

"There you will need to wait in the large room next to it with Stella and the pups there should be other Lou'dte kale's in there as well once all the clan leaders are here we will join you," he says while nuzzling me. I nod my head understanding that we all had to wait for the other clans to get here but I hated being apart from him. La'jar got off Stella and into the room where all the clan leaders and probably Elders were my pops, and Elder grandfather didn't stay with us as they had to take care of a few things with their own clan but would be attending later from what Bäckō'sĕvï and his son Set'gn have told me. We entered a large room where the ceilings were tall and the room itself was large

This is what it looks like: 

I then get off Stella and help Torie down as Veah is strapped securely on my back and us heading to our designated seats

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I then get off Stella and help Torie down as Veah is strapped securely on my back and us heading to our designated seats.

This is what the seating area looks like: use ballroom #4

Off to the right side I can see three women Lou'dte kale's with their creatures and damn do they make our fairy tales look like jokes! Then one woman with striking blue eyes and red paint going across her eyes and body steps forward in front of me.

This is what the Lou'dte looks like:

This is what the Lou'dte looks like:

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