Chapter 2: Starting to Plan

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Isla Richards

I smiled as I walked into the sitting room to see Will and Kate bickering over who should be in the wedding. 

"Do we have to have so many? I want it to be small." Kate whined earning Will to chuckle. 

"This is a royal wedding that hasn't happened this big since my parent's wedding. It does." He explained and I laughed as Kate rolled her eyes and they both turned over to me. 

"Finally noticed me haven't you?" I asked as I hugged the both of them before sitting down. 

"Sorry, we have a little fight over how many people should be in it. You look lovely by the way." Kate said as I crossed my legs. 

"Thank you

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"Thank you. I'm trying new things. So what have we decided? Do we have a date set? Where everything will take place?" I questioned as I pulled my binder and flipped it open. 

"Date no. But a place yes." Will began making me smile as I flipped to that page. 

"Approved by the Queen? If yes I need the name." I stated not even looking up at them. 

"Westminster Abbey and of course the Buckingham Palace for everything else," Kate said making me nod as I wrote everything down.

"Alright. Have we decided on the best man and matron of honor? Or the flower girls and page boys?" I asked as I looked up. 

"Well, best man is Harry of course. Granny didn't like it at first but she accepted it." William explained making me smile as I wrote it down before turning to Kate. 

"Is Pippa going to be the matron of honor?" I asked and I watched as she smiled at me. 

"No. She'll be at the wedding but she wants her privacy," Kate explained and I raised an eyebrow at her. 

"I want you to be my matron, Isla. Please tell me you'll accept." Kate added and I laughed softly before nodding. 

"Of course I will! Please tell me you cleared this with your grandmother." I asked William and he nodded before smiling at me. 

"I did. She thought it was a wonderful idea." The both said making me smile. 

"Oh, this wedding is going to be great. Kate, are you busy Friday at midday?" 

"No. William has flight training. Do we have something planned that I forgot?" She questioned and I laughed softly. 

"No. I am going to pick you up and we are going to go get measured and start picking out designs for the dresses." I said as I wrote that down. 

"Alright. We should get lunch afterward." Kate gushed and I nodded before handing them both five pages the queen had sent me. 

"The first two pages are of flowers to choose from. You don't have to decide now but by Friday pick and Kate will tell me. The other three places are for you to write down very close friends and other family members. The queen is doing the same and when it's Friday I'll just compare make the list again and send it to you three for confirmation." I explained and they stared at me for a moment before nodding. 

"You really do get involved with your job." A voice said and I watched Will stand up and I knew it was Harry. 

"I do love my job, Harry," I stated before he leaned down and whispered something in Will's ear and I saw him sigh. 

"Sorry but I have to leave. My father wants to speak to me about something."  He said as he kissed Kate goodbye before hugging me. 

"Thank you for everything Isla. I mean it." William said and I nodded. 

"It's no problem William. You and Kate are family. How many times do I have to tell you that." I hissed and he nodded before walking out and I turned to Kate. 

"Oh! Your office is ready. Harry, would you like to come with us to see it?" Kate asked as she stood up and placed her papers on the table. 

"Be my pleasure." He said with a smile as he held his arm out for me to grab and I smiled before following them. We went to the second floor and Kate opened the door and I gasped as I walked into the room. 

"This is lovely! I am only tempory and the Queen makes it seem like she wants me to stay

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"This is lovely! I am only tempory and the Queen makes it seem like she wants me to stay." I said with a smile before I frowned when I didn't see the couch. 

"There was supposed to be a couch. Where am I going to sleep at when I stay the night?" I huffed as I walked over to the phone ready to call Christopher. 

"I could always kick William out of the bed for the night like we used to in university." Kate offered earning the both of us to chuckle. 

"Or you could use my room," Harry said and I faced him with wide eyes. 

"Straight to the point aren't you?" I asked with a smile as I placed the phone down. 

"Well, I have a couch in my room. You could sleep there the nights you stay long." Harry explained making me smile. 

"Thank you, Harry. That's very thoughtful." I said with a smile before Kate cleared her throat. 

"I am going to go get your things so you could work here in your office." She said making me nod before I watched as she walked out the door before I turned and glared at Harry. 

"Anything else and you would've given it away." I hissed as I sat down in front of the computer and he sat across from me. 

"It has been two months since that happened Isla. When are you going to look me in the eye?" Harry questioned making me sigh. 

"When are you going to be serious with me, Your Highness?" I hissed and he sighed before reaching for my hand and I quickly placed my hands on my lap as Kate came in with all my things making me stand up and take them from her. 

"Thank you, Kate. I have to get going with calling people and confirming our lunch date." I explained making her nod before she waved for Harry to get out. 

"Do you need anything for me to the wedding?" He asked and I shook my head as I stared at him. 

"Not yet. When I do I'll call Helen and have her set up a meeting." I stated before I watched as the walked away and I sighed before leaning back in my chair. Was I right to take on this job?

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