Chapter Twenty-Eight: Crown Decision

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Isla Richards

I sat on the patio with Kate and Maddy as Theo ran around throwing the ball to Bud so he could catch it. 

"Where's Sarah?" Maddy asked as Kate handed her a cup of coffee. 

"She is with Louise and her brother getting the kids measured one last time," I said with a smile. In two months I would be getting married. 

"Two more months. Are you freaking out yet?" Kate asked with a smile. 

"Yes. My dress is finished but I'm scared I'll gain too much weight in the next two months." I said and Maddy shook her head. 

"Isla you have been the same size since high school," Maddy said and I found myself smiling. 

"Oh, I can't wait to see you in your dress and crown. Have they decided what crown to give you?" Kate asked and I shook my head. 

"No, they are still deciding. I didn't think it would take this long." I confessed and Maddy smiled before a maid walked over. 

"Telephone Ms. Richards." She said before she handed me the phone. I pressed the talk button before holding the phone to my ear. 


"Hello, Isla. It's Christopher. Her Majesty wants you and your two sisters-in-laws to come to her office. They decided on a crown." Christopher said. 

"Alright. We will be there soon." I said before I ended the call and handed the phone to the maid. 

"We are being summoned to Her Majestys office," I said and they both quickly stood up. 

"Theo! Go wait in your aunts' office. Bring the dog with you." Maddy yelled before we began walking. 

When we arrived at the office Christopher let us in. Before we made eye contacted we all bowed to the queen. 

"You may stand." The Queen said and when I looked up I saw Princess Diana's brother. Charles Spencer

"Mr. Spencer." Kate and I both said before the man walked towards us. 

"My niece in laws. It's wonderful to finally meet you both."He said before shaking our hands. 

"I'm sorry. Christopher said you decided on the crown. I didn't know someone was here." I said and The Queen smiled. 

"We did. Charles." She said making me raise an eyebrow before I turned to Charles and saw him holding a crown. 

"My sister wore this crown on her wedding day and I know down in my heart she would've wanted to give this for you to wear on your wedding day," Charles said as he walked over to me

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"My sister wore this crown on her wedding day and I know down in my heart she would've wanted to give this for you to wear on your wedding day," Charles said as he walked over to me. I saw Kate grinning from the corner of my eyes. 

"Why me? Why not Catherine?" I asked and he smiled before I saw the tears in his eyes. 

"I see you in the news all the time and I see my sister in you. So much. Especially the day of the garden party. When you played football with those two boys." He said and I smiled. 

"Thank you. Does Harry know?" I questioned and he nodded. 

"I spoke with him on the phone before we called you here. He cried before thanking me." He said before he handed the box to Kate and held the crown. 

"Would you like to try it on?" He asked and I smiled before nodding. I turned around and closed my eyes before I felt the heavy crown be put on my head. When I opened my eyes I smiled when I saw the crown on my head. 

"You look like a true princess," Kate said and I smiled before turning to the Queen who smiled. 

"You look lovely dear." She said and I wiped my eyes before I turned to Charles. 

"I know in my heart my sister would've loved the both of you." He said and Kate grabbed my hand and we smiled. 

"Thank you," I whispered before he took the crown off my head. 

"I shall bring the crown to you on your wedding day." He said and I smiled. 

"I shall see you then," I said and he smiled before bowing to the Queen and leaving. 

"Are you alright Isla?" The Queen asked and I smiled before nodding. 

"Just thinking about Harry. How he will feel when he sees me in his mothers crown." I said and Kate pulled me into a hug. 

"I know my grandson well. He will most likely cry." The Queen said making me smile before I let out a laugh. I smiled as she handed me a tissue and I quickly wiped my eyes. 

"Thank you. For everything." I said and she smiled before waving her hand. 

"You are family Isla." She said before we bowed and left the room. 

"The Spencer tiara! I can't believe it." Maddy said as we began making our way to my office. 

"I can't either. I always admired that tiara." I said with a smile before my door opened and Theo stood in the doorway. 

"Uncle Harry is on the phone." He said and I raised an eyebrow. 

"Did you just call him Uncle Harry?" I asked and he waved his hand before I walked in and grabbed the phone from the desk. 

"Hello, darling," I said. 

"Hi, my love. Did you see the crown?" He asked and I smiled. 

"I did. I was very shocked that your uncle would offer your mothers tiara." I said with a smile before I heard him sigh. 

"As was I. I bawled like a baby when they called me and told me." He said and I found myself laughing as I sat down behind my desk. 

"I know how you miss her Harry. She will forever be your mother." I explained and I pictured him smiling. 

"My mother would've loved you." 

"Your uncle said the same thing. He told me he sees her in me." I said and Harry let out a laugh. 

"I have said that for such a long time. I always saw my mother in you." 

"When are you coming home?" 

"Later the evening. I'm on my way to the church to meet the pastor and finish setting things up with my father." He said and I heard Charles chuckle. 

"Hello, Isla." 

"Hello, Charles. Make sure Harry is back before six or he will be eating cold dinner." I said and Theo let out a laugh. 

"I will try my best." He called out and I smiled before I saw Sarah walk in. 

"I have to go, darling," I said and he let out a breath. 

"As do I. See you at home," Harry said before he ended the call and Sarah waved hello to everyone. 

"So anything new?" Kate asked as Bud jumped on her lap. 

"Well, the children are all set for the wedding. We just need to go in for our fittings in two weeks." She said and I nodded before I pulled out my planner and wrote that down. 

"Pizza for dinner?" Maddy asked as she laid on my couch. 

"Of course. I don't want to cook." I said and Kate smiled before pulling out her phone. 

"I'll tell William to pick them up. He is on his way home." She said making me laugh softly. 


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