Chapter Fifty-Three: Andrew

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Isla of Sussex

I climbed out of the car with Madeline right behind me. We were standing in front of what I believed was my brother's house. Carl had gone to a local pub and showed his photo around and people told him where to find Andrew. 

"Are you okay?" Madeleine asked as she grabbed my hand. 

"I just want to know why he faked his death," I whispered before I began walking to the door before I could even knock the door opened and I came face to face with my brother. 


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"Andrew. You're alive." I whispered and my brother smiled before pulling me into a hug. 

"You've grown Isla. You're married and about to be a mother." He said and we pulled apart. 

"Your Highness. Please, both of you come into my home." Andrew said as he turned around and we followed him. 

"Don't hit him yet," Madeline whispered before we sat down in the living room. 

"Why? Why did fake your death? Why not tell Maddy?" I asked and Andrew frowned. 

"I wasn't happy Isla. I was on the brink of killing myself. I was half awake when you came into that hospital room and threw yourself and cried. I wanted to hug you." He said and I turned to see our picture. I grabbed it and chucked it at his head. He quickly made sure tp duck. 

"I cried over you! I buried someone who isn't even my brother!" I screamed at him. 

"Isla, please. Please listen." 

"No, you don't deserve me to listen to you. The only way I found out was because some woman came to me saying she saw you in London. Who were you talking to Andrew?" 

"Isla I can't say." 

"Who?! Or I swear I will facetime Maddy." 

"I was talking to dad. He was the one who helped me." Andrew explained and I felt my eyes widening before I laugh. 

"Oh, this is hilarious. Our father who called you every name in the book was the one who helped you fake your death." I said before I pulled my phone out. 

"Isla please!" 

"No! I do not need this over me while I'm pregnant. Maddy needs to know." I said as I pressed the facetime button and Maddy's face popped up. 

"Isla, what is it?" She asked and I turned my phone and I heard her gasp. 

"Andrew?! You're alive?!" Maddy yelled and my brother glared at me before taking the phone and walking away. 

"Oh, honey," Madeline said before she stood up and pulled me into a hug. 

"I cried over him for so long. I was so depressed. He wasn't even really dead." I whispered as she led me to a chair and sat me down. 

"Isla, is the baby kicking?" 

"Yes, up to a storm. Please slow down." I said to my belly. 

"Way to go Isla," Andrew said as he walked back and handed me my phone. 

"What is your name here?" 

"Gabriel Noah Russels." 

"I hate you. I won't tell mum but you will. We finally got on good terms. You won't ruin this." I hissed before I stood up and dusted my clothes off. 

"Isla, please don't go. I just got my sister back." 

"Andrew you never got me back. You lost me the moment you decided to fake your death. I hope you burn in hell along with our stupid father." 

"Isla suficiente lo hice para proteger a todo el Mundo." ( Isla, enough I did this to protect everyone.) Andrew said and I let out a laugh as I stepped towards him. 

 " ¿Protegernos? Andrew nos rompiste." (Protect us? Andrew, you broke us) I hissed before I stopped and stared at him. 

"Never contact me again," I whispered before my hand lifted and I smacked him across the face. 

"Maddy can do way better than you. I'll make sure of it. " I said before I turned and walked to the door, opened it and walked outside to our car. I heard Madeline laugh before she climbed in the car with me. 

"If I never said you were badass before I say it now. He looked as if he was going to cry." Madeline said before we began our way to the Hotel. 

"I need for the baby to get checked out." 

"Mum brought the doctor with us for you again. I'll have him in my room." She said before silence filled the car. When we got to the hotel I lifted my purse to cover my face as we rushed inside. 

Once we got to the sixteenth floor I followed Madeline into her suite she shared with Carl. 

"What happened?" He asked as he stood up. 

"Call for the doctor. Tell him not to say anything." Madeleine said as she laid me on the couch. 

"Did her brother do something to her?" He asked as he held the phone to his ear. 

"Besides lie to me that he was dead for over five years. He stressed me out and I want to make sure my child is alright." I said before I felt my eyes well up. There was a knock on the door and Dr. Sux came in. 

"Hello, Isla. How are you feeling?" He asked as he sat on a stool in front of me. 

"Emotional," I whispered and he nodded before lifting my shirt up and putting some of the goo on my belly. 

"Alright. Let us see the newest Sussex." He said before he smiles as the baby popped up on his deceive. 

"Oh, there it is. Healthy, heart is beating good, and it looks as the baby is moving around." Dr. Sux said and I let out a breath of relief. 

"Is it alright?" 

"Growing like a weed.  Baby Sussex is looking very healthy. I can't see the sex but since I can't tell you it is no worries." He said and I laughed before he handed me a towel to wipe my belly. 

"Thank you, Dr. Sux. It means a lot to me." I said as he helped me sit up. 

"It is no worries, Your Highness. I am glad I can help." He said before he packed his things and walked back out the door. 

"So what now?" 

"Can we get sundaes?" 

"I'll call up now," Carl said with a smile as he headed towards the phone. 

"Thank you, Madeline. For everything." I said and she smiled before sitting by me. 

"I'm always going to be there. You're stuck with me." 

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