Chapter Sixty-Three: My Second arrival in Sweden

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Isla of Sussex

I stepped down the stairs of my plane and smiled softly when I saw Carl and Gustaf. As I got to the button step I waved the camera people before I walked towards them.

"Hello, Carl. Your Majesty." I said before I curtsied.

"Hello, Isla." He said and I smiled as I kissed both his cheeks.

"How Madeline?Nervous yet?" I asked as my hand automatically went to my belly.

"Currently she is taking her engagement photos with Chris. But after she will be. What can you do in a day?" Carl asked and I gave him a look.

"Well before I stopped doing that job I planned half the wedding in one day. But I don't know how Madeline is." I said before Gustaf smiled.

"Isla I wanted to publicly ask you to attend the Noble Prize with us on December 10th." He said and I stared at him for a moment.

"It will be my honor, Your Majesty," I said and I bowed my head in respect.

"Wonderful, now why don't we make our way to the cars." He said as he began to led the way. My bags were already there.

"Everyone is very excited for you to be here." He said and I nodded.

"I am too. I can be a bit relaxed here." I said with a laugh before we all fell into a comfortable silence.

When we arrived at the palace Queen Silvia was outside waiting for us.

"Oh Isla, you look even more beautiful than before." She said and I smiled as I curtsied.

"Thank you, everywhere I go people say I am glowing which I kinda don't understand," I said and she laughed before wrapped her arm around me and led us all inside.

"How was it seeing Harry after so many months?" Silvia asked as we sat down in one of the sitting room.

"It was amazing, we spent most of our time in the castle but when we were out in public we were hounded like dogs," I said and she nodded.

"That is how it is at first, every time I got pregnant I would take lesser engagements because of them. But with Madeline, I got the nerve and said screw what they think." She said and I smiled before I heard heels clicking and I looked up to see Madeline and Chris walking in.

"Isla," Chris said as he bowed. I nodded at him before I hugged Madeline,

"Thank god you are here, our photographer recommended his mother to organize my wedding." She said and I smiled.

"Manniskor har ingen respekt." (People have no respect.)I said and everyone looked at me.

"I have been practicing. I even have a tutor." I said and the King and Queen smiled.

"You sounded amazing. Just a little more practice." She said and I smiled before I turned to everyone.

"I do not mean to sound rude but can I only speak with His Majesty, Madeline, and Chris?" I asked and Silvia nodded before Carl offered her, his arm and they walked out.

"Alright, have we picked a church?"

"Yes, the Royal Palace Chapel," Madeline said and I nodded as Sarah handed me my binder.

"It's a very nice church. Alright, have you figured out a style for a dress?" I asked Madeline who smiled.

"Yes, I already met with the dressmakers. The dress is going to be beautiful." Madeline said and I saw Chris give her a small smile.

"Your Majesty, have you come up with the list?"

"Yes, my security is just going through the list as we speak." He said and I turned to Madeline and smiled.

"When I began to plan my own wedding I knew what people I wanted at my wedding and who I wanted in it. So whenever you decide what children you want in it let me know." I said before I looked at Chris.

"Chris, I will speak to you later because I need to ask you some questions. But right now I need to speak to His Majesty and Madeline." I said and Chris nodded before kissing Madeline's cheek and walking out.

"Alright, Your Majesty, are you going to walk Madeline down the aisle?"

"Yes, I did it with Victoria and I will do it with Madeline." He said and I smiled as I wrote that down.

"Has the tiara been decided? It took two weeks before my wedding for the crown to be decided." I said and Madeline laughed.

"I thought she would look nice in the Modern Fringe tiara," Gustaf said and I smiled.

"Well you have the tiara, you can base the hairstyle off of it." I said before I closed my binder.

"Alright, we have the church, tiara, style, and soon the children. That's enough for today." I said and Madeline smiled.

"Alright, are you going to ask Chris to be one of the baby's godfathers?" She asked and I nodded as I stood up.

"Yes, let me leave you two to talk," I said before I curtsied to the King before I made my way out the sitting room and walked down the hall and found Chris speaking to Daniel.

"Hello Daniel, mind if I steal Chris for a couple of moments?" I asked and the two of them turned to me.

"No problem." Daniel said and Chris stood up before following me to one of the balcony's.

"Is everything alright?" He asked and I smiled before I sat down.

"Yea, Madeline is one of my best friends. From the moment I met her I decided she would be one of the baby's godmothers. You're marrying her and I adore you as well. So would you care to be my child's godfather?" I asked and Chris smiled.

"Really? Me?"

"Yes Chris, so what do you say."

"It would be an honor to be one of the baby's godfather." He said and I smiled as I stood up and pulled him into a hug.

"When I was with Harry we talked about this. About who we wanted to be in the child's life. The little nugget will probably have a lot." I said before the door opened and I turned to see Victoria there.

"Hello Isla, we have a slight problem."

"What problem?"

"The Danish Royalty is here and we are having a formal dinner and ball. Do you have a crown?" She asked and I smiled.

"I knew there was a reason Her Majesty loaned me another tiara. I'll be ready."

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