Chapter Eleven: The Wedding

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Isla Richards

I tried my hardest not to cry as I watched Kate be placed in her dress with the help of Carole and Pippa. Camilla was with us and she placed her hand on my back.

"Are you crying Isla?" Kate asked as she turned to me allowing her sister to zip her up.

"Of course I am! My best friend is getting married. I'm walking down the aisle with her!" I cried out as Camilla handed me a tissue so I wouldn't mess up my dress.

"Please don't cry because then I will," Kate said with a laugh before Pippa finished dressing her and Camilla grabbed a box and made her way over to Kate

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"Please don't cry because then I will," Kate said with a laugh before Pippa finished dressing her and Camilla grabbed a box and made her way over to Kate.

"Her Majesty sent this for to borrow. It was the crown she received for her 18th birthday." Camilla said before she took the crown out and placed it on Catherine's head before grabbing the veil and placing it on her.

"And now you are ready to get married," I said with a grin before a knock came to the door and in came Micheal who stopped when he saw his daughter.

"You look beautiful Catherine. I can't believe you are getting married." He said as he walked towards us. He kissed his wife then his daughters before turning to me and holding my hands at arm's length.

"My adoptive daughter. You look beautiful." He said and I smiled at him before he kissed my cheek.

"Okay! We need to hurry up and get to the church." I said and they nodded. We rushed to the elevator and out the back way of the hotel before Kate and her father got into the car before I loaded in with Carole and Pippa.

The entire way to the church I laughed at the people lined up to catch every moment they could. We were first to arrive and I smiled before waving to everyone as Carole and Pippa made their way inside the church.

The pageboys and flower girls were here and I smiled as James and Louise rushed over to me and hugged me.

"You both look wonderful. Now we just have to wait for Catherine." I said as I began to line the children up behind me. I heard the camera's snapping away before they started screaming Kate's name. I smiled as I watched her and Micheal walked over to me. Once they were in front I fixed her train before standing beside her.

"Now is the chance. We can run away. I'll drive." I said earning her to laugh.

"No. I'm ready." She said and I smiled before patting her shoulder. I nodded to the guards by the door before standing before Kate as we began walking.

"Okay guys we have to be quite now." I whispered.

Once we stepped into the church and the doors closed I let go of Kate's trail to grab the children's hands and saw Harry grinning at me as he whispered into his brother's ear.

I grabbed onto the younger children's hands as we walked towards the front of the aisle before the children took their seats and I stood behind Kate.

"Who gives this woman to this man?" The priest questioned and Micheal smiled.

"I do." Micheal said with a smile as he placed Kate's hand over Will's. Kate had turned and handed me her flowers before she stepped up and Harry stepped down. He faced me before mouthing 'You look beautiful.' I blushed before turning back to Kate and Will.


I never cared much for the vows as it was a snore fest but once the priest asked for the witnesses to come to the back for them to sign their wedding license I quickly grabbed Kate's trail before following her, William, Harry, Prince Charles, Camilla, Carole, Micheal and Pippa to the back.

There stood another priest who handed Will and Kate their pens as they signed their names.

"Her Majesty the Queen is happy to announce you to shall be the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Congratulations you two." The man said and I found myself clapping as Kate turned and grabbed her flowers.

"Congrats Kate," I said before we lined up and I linked arms with Harry who turned and faced me.

"You look beautiful my love." He whispered before the doors were opened and we began walking down the aisle and out of the church. Kate and Will got into a carriage and Prince Charles and Camilla got into a carriage with us.

"You look beautiful Isla," Charles said and I smiled at him.

"Thank you," I said before I heard a child called my name and I turned and waved at the little girl earning everyone to cheer. When we got to the castle Prince Phillip and The Queen were waiting for us. I have no idea how they got here before us.

I curtsied to the both of them before Phillip nodded and we made our way inside. When Kate saw the balcony she turned to me and I smiled.

"You'll be fine. Wave a little and give him a kiss. Then come in and take pictures and we will party the night away." I said making her nod before she grabbed Will's hand and they walked to the balcony.

"Can you picture that will be us?" He questioned and I laughed softly before smacking his chest.

"Don't say that loud. People will hear." I whined and he chuckled. The time flew as Kate and Will came back and we stood to take pictures with everyone.

"Isla! Come help me change!" Kate called out and I smiled before grabbing her train and we ran to the dressing room like children. When we got to the room Kate squealed with happiness.

"Finally! It's over!" She said and I smiled as I took the veil and tiara off before unzipping her dress. I turned to grab her other dress and helping her out of the first dress and into her second one.

"I am so happy for you Kate," I whispered as I took my hair out and helped her take her hair out as well before brushing through it.

"Soon it will be you and Harry." She said before I walked over and grabbed her shoes. Soon a knock came to the door and in popped Camilla.

"They are waiting for us." She said making me smile before I followed her and Kate out and towards the cars that were waiting for us. Harry was there and I gladly took his hand as he led me into the car.

When we arrived at the second location I grinned as Will and Kate walked in first and then Harry and me with the children around us. I held Eliza in my arms as we walked towards the table. We all bowed in front of the Queen and Prince Phillip before we all sat down.

The first dance went to Kate and her father and I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. I will never have that with my father the day I get married. William walked over and took Kate once the dance was over and I felt Harry grab my hand as we watched them dance.

Halfway through the song Will turned and nodded to Harry and he grabbed my hand before leading me to the dance floor and I smiled as he twirled me around before dipping me.

"Don't you dare drop me," I said with a smile before he picked me back up and held me close.

"I wouldn't dream about it." He whispered in my ear before the song ended and everyone cheered for us. I felt someone grab my hand and I looked over to see Kate smiling at me.

"Thank you for making this special." She said and I nodded.

"Anything for you two," I said as the music started again and everyone began dancing.

"Well if anything when are you do doing this?" Will asked with a grin making me roll my eyes.

"Oh, not this again," I said as I leaned into Harry's chest.


I kicked my heels off and followed Harry out to the car where the paps were waiting for us. I rolled my eyes before getting in the car and Harry following me.

"Ready to go home?" He asked and I turned to him and smiled.

"Yes, I wanna go home."

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