Chapter Seventy-Two: Christmas Party

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Isla of Sussex

I slid out of the car with Harry and smiled when I saw the families of our servicemen and servicewoman waiting for us.

I slid out of the car with Harry and smiled when I saw the families of our servicemen and servicewoman waiting for us

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"Hello, it's so very nice to meet you all," I said as I began to go around and shake everyone's hand.

"When are you due?" One mother asked as she pulled her two sons in front of her.

"Late March early April. But like my doctor said babies choose when they want to come into the world." I said and she let out a laugh.

"My youngest son was two weeks late. I tried everything to make him come sooner but he was stubborn." She said and I smiled.

"Oh god, I hope this baby comes when it's supposed to. How long has your husband been deployed?"

"Almost a year. He comes home almost a week before Christmas." She said and I smiled before bending down in front of her two sons.

"Hi, I'm Isla," I said as I offered them my hand and them both shook it.

"I'm Cody and this is my brother Zach. I'm eight and he's five." Cody said and I smiled.

"It's very nice to meet you both. Are you guys excited to meet Santa and to open presents?" I asked and Zach grinned.

"Sorry about that. Zach doesn't talk but he does sign." His mother said and I looked at Zach before signing 'It's nice to meet you.'

"You know sign language?" She asked and I nodded.

"The basics. I took up till my third year in University." I said before I stood up.

"I'll see you, boys, later," I said before walking towards Harry who grabbed my hand.

"You are so amazing with kids." He said and I smiled before we walked past the houses and I laughed when I saw little kids with fake beards run around us.

"I can't wait till our baby is here. He or she will come with us to these events." I said and Harry nodded before we walked inside the little town hall and saw four tables. One set up for making little gift boxes, one for making fake snow globes, one that was making letters for Santa, and then the last one singing.

"Oh please, let us make fake snow globes," I said to Harry and he laughed before we stepped towards that table.

"Hello, Your Highnesses!" A man said and I smiled as I shook his hand.

"Hello! Are you guys having fun?" I asked the kids as I sat down and Harry went and sat on the other side.

"Yes! We make snow globes!" A little girl said before she turned to me and handed me the globe.

"Oh thank you! Oh, I love the little hearts instead of snowflakes." I said and the little girl smiled before she looked at my belly.

"Baby?" She said and I nodded.

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