Chapter Fifty-Eight: Seeing Harry

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Isla of Sussex

The two-hour plane ride felt so long. Even with Bud and Sarah I couldn't help but feel nervous. Like this was the first time I have ever seen Harry.

"Isla, we've landed," Sarah said and I smiled as I unbuckled myself and went to the window.

"Is he there?" I asked one of the attendants looked out the window and nodded.

"In his uniform." She said before she went to the back.

"Isla, drink some water before they open the stairs for you. Are you still letting Bud out first?" She asked as she handed me my water, After three gulps I nodded.

"Your Highness," My guard said before the doors opened and I held Bud's leash.

"Go get daddy," I said as I let his leash go and he went running.

"Bud!" I heard Harry yell. I grabbed my white clutch and began making my way down the stairs. Even went into salute mode. When I got off the stairs Bud got up and went to me. Harry looked confused before his eyes found mine.

"Isla." He whispered and I smiled as I went to take a step.

"Isla!" He said as he ran over to me and scooped me into his arms.

"You're here? For how long?" He asked after he put me down.

"Three days. Are you happy to see me?" I asked as he nodded before bringing me into a kiss.

"God, I've missed you." He said before he touched my belly. He fell to one knee and smiled.

"Hey, little one. It's your dad. I hope you haven't been giving your mum a hard time." He said and I let out a laugh before Harry grabbed my hand and Bud's leash before we walked towards what I get is his Captain.

"Pleasure to meet you, Your Highness." He said after he bowed.

"Pleasure is all mine. I cannot wait until the ceremony tomorrow." I said and he smiled before clearing his throat.

"These carnation are for you. We couldn't decide what color to get you so we got them all."

"Thank you, they're lovely," I said before we moved on to meet the others in Harry's troops. When we were done Harry said goodbye to his captain before wrapping his arm around me.

"I can't believe you are here. They told me it was granny." He said as a car pulled up and the man handed Harry the keys.

"Well, I thought it would be an amazing surprise," I said and he grinned before opening the door and bud jumped in waiting for me and I slipped in before he jogged to his side and got in.

"It is, also welcome to Scotland." He said and I smiled before he got on the highway and we began our way to Inverness Castle.

"Granny said this is ours. Whenever we want to get away from England, this will be ours." Harry said as he parked and everyone came to help with the bags.

"Wow, a whole castle to us?" I asked and Harry nodded before we both climbed out of the car. One of the maids opened the door and Bud ran chasing one of the squirrels.

"I pulled the favorite card. How she favors William more than me."

"And it worked?"

"No, but it worked with Grandpa. This was supposed to be his but something told him to not move in. So it now ours." He said and I let out a laughed before we walked through the front doors. Everyone bowed and I turned to Harry who smiled.

"Come on. I want to show you our room." He said before he grabbed my hand and we half raced up the stairs to the fourth floor. I let out a laugh before Harry opened the door.

"Welcome to the semi-master bedroom

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"Welcome to the semi-master bedroom." He said and I smiled as I went to the daybed and relaxed.

"I love it here. Can we never leave?" I asked and Harry smiled.

"No, dad's birthday is in a week and you have to be there." He said and I groaned before looking at him.

"Did you ever think we would have our castle and having a baby?" I asked and Harry shook his head as he smiled.

"No, but I am glad I married you."

"Better be, I am a catch. Not now because I feel like a wale but after I have our child." I said and Harry shook his head.

"You look beautiful. You're glowing and I don't know how I got so lucky to have you." He said as he stopped taking the clothes out and walked over to me.

"All we have to do is a two-hour ceremony and then it's just us. We can go out to eat or go shopping. We can get things for the baby." He said and I smiled.

"You owe me on the shopping for the baby. Did you know how hard it is to go shopping when you don't know the gender of the baby?" I asked and Harry let out a laugh before someone knocked on the door. Sarah poked her head in and smiled.

"Bud was looking for you guys. Saw him going in circles and thought to bring him up." She said and I nodded.

"Thanks, Sarah," I said as Bud jumped up on Harry again.

"I've missed you too buddy," Harry said and I stood up to drag Bud off.

"Ever since I said we get to see you he got happy." I said and Harry grinned.

"Oh I wish I could've taken you with me but he would have been with mum?" He asked Bud and he let out a small bark before turning away from Harry and following me to the bathroom.

"He won't stop doing that!"

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