Chapter One Hundred: Arriving in Australia

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Isla of Sussex

October 4th, 2013

Harry thought it would be a wonderful idea for Diana and me to join him on his two day trip to Australia. So after getting the okay from my doctor saying I was good and rushing to pack I know stood with Harry as we waited for the doors to open.

I placed Diana on my hip as I fixed her little dress and she looked up at my hat.

"I still can't believe she is six months old," I whispered as the door opened and the stairs were pushed towards the door.

"I know. Dad is already planning her first birthday." He said and I laughed softly before he stepped out first and waved a hand. I stepped out behind him and we all began walking down the stairs. To meet us was Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

"It is so wonderful to have you both here in Australia. Even if it only for two days." He said as he shook our hands.

"We are so grateful to be here. Tony this is my wife Isla and our daughter Diana." Harry said and Tony smiled at me.

"She is so adorable. Names after your mother in law?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yes, when she was born we said she looked a lot like her," I said before we began walking to the car.

"We are going to my home at Kirribilli House. I want to introduce you both to my wife and children." Tony said as I strapped Diana into her car seat and we took off towards the Prime Minister's home.

It took less than twenty minutes to arrive at Kirribilli house and I had already shaken my hair loose of my hat and let my curls drop. Harry grabbed Diana from her car seat and I smiled when the door opened and Tony rushed to his wife.

"Harry, Isla, and of course little Diana I would like to introduce you to my wife Margie and our daughters Louise, Frances, and Bridget," Tony said and I smiled as I shook all of their hands.

"It's wonderful to meet you all. I have never been to Australia before and I am sure this two-day trip will make me want to come back again." I said as Diana leaned forward and Margie quickly took her.

"Diana seems to like you! She doesn't always do that." Harry said as he shook everyone's hand.

"So if we may ask what brings the very famous Duke and Duchess of Sussex to Australia?" Tony asked as we were led inside and I watched as the cameras began to go off.

"Well I am here to attend the Internation Fleet Review along with paying a visit to Australian SAS Headquarters," Harry explained and I smiled softly.

"Harry thought it would be a good idea to drag Diana and myself along. I am still coming back from maternity leave." I explained and Margie laughed.

"We must admit we are very big fans. Our daughters woke up very early to watch your wedding." Tony explained as we sat down around the sitting room and tea was brought out.

"Aww, well thank you. Is that why they are hiding in the corner?" Harry asked as we looked towards the three young girls who blushed.

"Pretty sure. I remember when it was annouced you went into labor and then you two stepped out with this little beauty in your arms. I know your mother would've been so proud of you." Tony said and I turned to Harry for a moment who sat there frozen.

"Thank you. I know my mother has visited Australia multiple times and she enjoyed them each time. I know Isla and I will enjoy our stay here." Harry said and I grinned.

"We will and then we will beg to come back again and again," I said as Diana reached out for me and Margie handed her over.

I laid Diana in my arms and smiled as she reached up and grabbed for my lips.

"Well, we will leave you two to relax for a moment before we go and head for the Harbor. Isla are you joining us?" Tony asked and I nodded.

"Of course. Diana will not though she will stay here with Nanny Alice, I will put her down for a quick nap." I said as I stood up and Harry joined me.

A worker-led Harry and I to our joint rooms where all of our things were waiting for us. Both Sarah and Alice jumped to their feet when they saw us and Harry shook his head.

"We have both told you time and time again not to do that every time we walk in a room," Harry said and Sarah smiled.

"It's a force of habit, Harry. You both did amazing with the introduction to the Prime Minister and his family. Everyone loves photos so far." Sarah said and I smiled.

"Sometimes I wonder if we should hire a new person for our social media handling because you are my stylist and my secretary," I said and Sarah shook her head.

"I can handle it. You also help out all the time so. I already have your outfit on the bed and while everyone would love for this sweet child to come with she cannot." Sarah said as both Harry and I looked at our daughter.

"Sometimes it blows my mind she is already six months. Soon she will be walking." Harry said and I nodded as I bounced her softly in my arms.

"Come on Harry. Let's put her down quickly before I change and we can leave."


@DailyMailLondon: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have officially arrived for their short two-day visit and have released this photo of their now six-month-old daughter Princess Diana

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@DailyMailLondon: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have officially arrived for their short two-day visit and have released this photo of their now six-month-old daughter Princess Diana. The photo was of course taken by Mama Sussex at their home in Craigowen Lodge earlier this month.

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