Chapter Five: The World Knows

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Isla Richards

I rolled over in my bed and reached out to try to get the warmth from Harry. When I felt he wasn't there I opened my eyes and saw him staring at the television. 

"What's wrong?" I asked as I sat up. He didn't even say anything but just point at the tv where I saw a picture of Harry and me with Will and Kate a couple of days ago when we all went out. Both of the boys were pressing a kiss to our forehead. 

"Could another royal wedding be happening in our future? Wedding planner Isla Richards, who has been close to the royal family since her first year at University, is know dating Prince Harry! The palace confirmed it when we first aired this story early this morning." The man began and I felt Harry wrap his arm around me. 

"Miss Isla Richards is the only commoner and none married member of the royal family to ever go on holiday with the royal family. It is known that Ms. Richards parents haven't seen her since her brother was tragically killed and before that when she filled to be separated from them." The man added and I felt my blood boil. How did they know all of this?

"The person who shot this photo is deciding to be nameless said that Prince Harry looked to Ms. Richards with nothing but love in his eyes. The way his brother looks at his now fiance. So does the royal family have another wedding to be planning?" 

The television was quickly shut off and I looked to see Harry staring at me waiting for a reaction. 

"How did they know about my parents? No one knows except this family and Kate's." I whispered and I didn't even realize I was crying until Harry wiped the tears away. 

"I don't know but I promise you I will find out. And I will hold the person accountable for this." He whispered and soon his room phone rang and he stared at me for a quick second before getting out of bed and answering it. 

"She is fine Kate. Just crying. No, I can handle this. No really-. Fine, let us get dressed. Give us five." He said before ending the call and I laughed. 

"Kate coming over?" 

"Yes with Will. They just saw and want to check up. We need to get dress." He said and I gave him a small nod before standing up and walking into the first bathroom. I stripped of my night clothes before getting dress and staring at myself in the mirror. 

I grabbed my flat iron and just ran it through as Harry peaked his head in

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I grabbed my flat iron and just ran it through as Harry peaked his head in. 

"They're here." Was all he said and I slipped my shoes on and allowed him to lead me to his sitting room where Kate and Will were at. Before I could even say Good Morning Kate attacked me with a hug. 

"Are you alright? You look like you've been crying." She said and I laughed before wiping my eyes and sighing. 

"Somehow they found out my past with my parents and now the world knows everything about me," I whispered before I started crying again and Kate quickly wrapped her arms around me and pulled me down to the couch with her. 

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