Chapter Seventy-Five: Commonwealth Day Service 2013

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Isla of Sussex

I stepped out of the car with Harry and waved to the crowd who cheered as Harry walked over to my side and reached for my hand. I gladly took it as we made our way Kate and William who smiled when they saw us.

"Harla! Harla!" People cheered and I let out a laugh before leaning into Harry's side.

"So we finally have a couple name. I feel important." He said and I rolled my eyes before we followed Will and Kate who stood in line behind Charles and Camilla. I turned and watched as a group of dancers began their performance and I clapped when they finished.

"Are you still mad at me?" Will asked and I looked to see him looking at Harry.

"Are you still going to lie to me?" He said and I stared at them for a moment before I saw Her Majesty and Prince Phillip coming out the car. We all either bowed or curtsied to her and I smiled before she walked in front of us and began to walk to the front and began speaking to the Fathers.

"Enough both of you. Not in public." Kate said and I nodded as I fixed my jacket.

"I agree with Kate. Stop the petty lie." I said before I saw Andrew, Edward, and Sophie coming towards us.

"You were upset as well."

"Yes, but I talked to Kate. Like you need to speak to your brother." I hissed before we began making our way inside the church.

"I've always loved coming here," I said as I looked around Westminster Abbey,

"After a while it gets boring," William said before we all took our seats. I sat beside Harry as Andrew took his seat next to me.

"Don't you look like your ready to pop." He said and I laughed before we sat down and the service began.

It didn't take long for the service to end and honestly, I wish I didn't come. Harry had to pinch me in order for me to stay awake.

"Pinch me one more time and you are sleeping on the couch, cabron." I hissed earning Prince Andrew to start laughing. One look from his mum and he stopped. When we stood up I hugged Her Majesty before bowing to her.

"Are you alright Isla?" She asked and I nodded before I felt the baby kick.

"I just think the baby is getting ready but while doing so I am becoming uncomfortable," I said and she laughed before she placed a hand on my stomach. Once she did the baby kicked and she laughed.

"The baby is getting ready. You have what, three more weeks left?" She asked and I nodded.

"Three weeks need to hurry up." I said and she laughed before she turned and made her way out. Charles followed her and then William along with Harry and me.

"Had your grandmother ever felt anyone's stomach?" I asked and Harry shook his head.

"No, you're the first." He said as we made our way outside and I smiled at the children waiting to give us flowers. I bent down in front of a little boy and smiled.

"Are these for me?" I asked and he nodded before he gave me the small little bouquet of flowers and I sniffed them,

"Thank you for the flowers. I always put them together in a vase in my office." I said and I watched when the little boy's eyes lit up.

"Do you keep the drawings?" He asked and I nodded.

"I have this huge portfolio folder that I keep all of them in. I realize kids are better drawers than half these adult ones." I said and the boy smiled before hugging me. I smiled and hugged him back before Harry offered me his arm and I stood up.

We made our way to the front and I stood next to Harry for a moment and took pictures for the crowd.

"Are you wearing blue because you're having a boy?" Someone asked and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know what I'm having until the day I give birth," I called out before one of my guards opened the door and I climbed in the truck. I smiled when Harry climbed in.

"Which I do hope is very soon. I'm getting antsy wondering when you are going to give birth." He said as we began our way to Buckingham Palace.

"You and I both. But it's the eleventh and my due date isn't until the end of the month." I said as I sat back and tried to relax. When we got to the palace Harry climbed out first before coming over to my side and helping me out the truck.

I waved to the crowd that was gathering to take our photos. Harry grabbed my hand and I heard cheers before we made our way inside the palace.

Her Majesty and Prince Phillip were waiting and greeting everyone and I curtsied to her before hugging Phillip.

"Are you positive that your due date isn't sooner?" Her Majesty asked and I laughed before shaking my head.

"No, this little one is due at the end of this month," I said and Phillip chuckled.

"How many more engagements do you have?"

"Two, on the 19th we are going with Catherine and William to the headquarters of Child Bereavement. Then on the 21st, I will be going to Booktrust and be introduced as a patron." I said and I heard someone chuckle.

"I thought Camilia's obsession for books was worse. No Isla you have a worse one." Charles said and I smiled before I curtsied to him and Camilia.

"It will be wonderful to have another patron with me. I could use all the help I can get." She said before Harry and I stepped aside so they could say hello to Her Majesty and Prince Phillip.

"Everyone is waiting in the white drawing room." She said and I linked arms with Harry and we followed Charles to the white drawing room.

I smiled at Eugenie and Beatrice as I said hello to them before hugging Sophie and Edward. Kate and William came in next and I flicked Harry so he wouldn't have to say anything. Her Majesty came in and we all bowed.

"You all did wonderfully today at the service. I have brought us all together to speak on one thing. The fight between William and Henry." She said and I glanced a look at Charles who shook his head.

"Your Majesty, I believe you should speak to these two privately," I said and the Queen looked and me and nodded before telling the boys to follow her to her office. I rolled my eyes before sitting down in one of the chairs with Beatrice.

"They are still fighting?"

"Unfortunately, do you think you can take me home?"

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