Chapter Ninety-Nine: Boodles Boxing Ball

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Isla of Sussex

September 21st, 2013

"Alright, do I look alright for this ball?" I asked Harry as I stepped out of the bathroom and did a spin.

"You look beautiful!" Catherine said as she stood up from her spot on the bed.

"Thank you, love, but I was asking my husband," I said with a wink before I turned to Harry who was fixing his bow tie.

"I agree with Catherine one hundred percent. You look absolutely ravishing." He said as he slipped his ring on before handing me my rings.

"I could've sworn mum had a dress like this," William said as he walked inside our room holding George in his arms.

"She did. My stylist got inspiration from it." I said as I slipped on my heels and grabbed my clutch. I looked down at Diana who was fast asleep in Catherine's arms.

"Alright, she is fed and bathed. She shouldn't be hungry until around seven. We just started putting cereal in her milk so she is less hungry." I explained and Catherine nodded.

"We got it Isla. Go and have fun. Say hello to my sister for me." She said before I wrapped my hand with Harry's and he led me out of our apartment and we got into the car waiting for us.

"Alright, so the guest list." Harry began and I nodded.

"Us, Eugenie, Beatrice, Pippa, Zara, Katherine Jenkins, James Blunt, James Haskell, and the entire Branson family. And that is just for starters." I said and he smiled.

"I hope we can raise enough for the Starlight Children's Foundation. It means the world to me if we could just get to £10,000." Harry said and I smiled.

"We will. This boxing ball will be one of the best ever. After today we have to start packing for our little three day trip to Australia and then when we come back is George's christening." I explained as the car began to slow down.

"Still can't believe he is going to be three months and Diana is going to be six months." He said and I grinned.

"Our baby is getting so big," I whispered before the car stopped and Harry smiled.

"Smile my love. People get to see how beautiful you look." He said as both our doors opened. I slid to the end of my seat before I placed both feet on the ground and stepped out of the car.

I heard people cheer my name and I waved to the crowd before I looked and saw Harry waiting for me. He held his hand out for me and I gladly took it as he led me inside. We walked the blue carpet and took some photos before I spotted Zara.

"Oh! Look at that baby bump!" I said as I rushed over to her and Mike and hugged them both.

"It's getting there." She said as I rubbed her stomach.

"You make me miss being pregnant," I said as we pulled apart and she hugged her cousin.

"I just feel like this baby is getting bigger and bigger. I'm not due until January." Zara said as we all began making our way to the top box.

"The last months are the hardest. Isla was never comfortable." Harry explained as we stepped inside and saw Eugenie, Beatrice, and Pippa.

I hugged everyone hello before I looked over to the window and saw the boxing ring.

"When does it start?" I asked as Harry stepped closer to me.

"Well, it's six. It starts around seven." He explained as we all sat down.

"Who is watching Diana?"

"Will and Catherine have her tonight. I felt bad leaving her with them since they have George but Will said it was okay." I explained

"Does Diana love George yet or just think he is another baby?" Beatrice asked as she sat beside me.

"She loves him. Whenever Catherine lays George next to her she loves to be near him." Harry stated before the door opened and in came an announcer.

"Welcome! We wanted to thank the Royal Family for coming out tonight to support our Boodles Boxing Ball! I am Jacques Tint." The man introduced and we all said hello.

Harry stood up and shook Jacques' hand.

"My wife and I already pledged about £8,000. We have visited a lot of terminally ill children and we know what it's like to listen to the parents." Harry explained and I nodded.

"It is a great honor to be here. I can say I will try to convince our other family members to donate but it is still an honor." I said and Jacques smiled.

"Enjoy the boxing ball from our top box. Hopefully, we will see you next year." He said as he bowed to all of us as a group and walked out of the room.

"So who is ready for some violence?" Mike asked and we all cheered.

"I am! Mum's first night out in a while." I said and Harry laughed as he wrapped his arm around me and held me close.

"Hopefully we can get them to watch Diana more often."


It was around eleven at night when the boxing ball ended and we ended up raising £20,000. Harry and the rest of the family were beyond happy we exceeded our goal.

Harry picked me up and spun me around as we walked down the stairs.

"Henry! If we fall I will kill you!" I said as I held onto him and laughed.

"We did it! I am so happy I was able to have you here by my side." Harry said and I smiled as I looked at him.

"Harry, you know I will follow you until the end of the world. I love you, Harry." I said and he smiled as he leaned forward and kissed me softly.

"I love you too, more than you know." He said before I grabbed his hand and we made our way outside to the limo.

"Maybe we can have some of our own fun when we get home," I said and Harry raised an eyebrow at me before taking out his phone.

"We will because Will owes me a favor."

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