Chapter Twenty-One: Prince Harry

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Prince Harry

I stepped into my fathers home with Will in front of me. Dad had called us to speak to both of us about how our relationships are going. He kept hitting to Will that he wanted a grandson named Charles II.

I lead Will into our fathers' study and stood at the door waiting for him to look up.

"You boys may come sit down," Dad said as he looked up from his papers and set his glasses down. Will sat down first and I quickly followed suit.

"Hello, dad." We both said and dad stared at us for a moment before smiling.

"Your grandmother wanted me to talk to you both about your relationships. It is nothing bad." Our father said and I raised an eyebrow thinking of Isla as she rushed off to a baby shower that she was planning.

"So what is there that needs to be discussed?" Will asked as he leaned back in his chair.

"Well for you and Catherine you two need to be more affectionate towards one another. You two seem to try not to be near one another out in public. Is everything alright?" Dad asked and Will chuckled before nodding.

"Yes, dad. We are fine. We thought Granny hated us being close in public?" Will questioned and Dad shook his head.

"She did. Until she saw how everyone loved Isla and Harry close like that." Dad said making me raise an eyebrow.

"So what about Isla and I?" I asked as I shrugged my jacket off.

"Your grandmother wants to know when or if you plan on proposing to her? Do you love her?" Dad asked and I stared at him before nodding.

"I love her with all my heart. I just am scared she will think I'll do what her parents did to her." I confessed and both my brother and father stared at me.

"She doesn't Harry. She loves you. She knows you'll never hurt her. You two have been together for almost a year." Will said and I smiled.

"A year in two weeks," I whispered and Dad smiled at me.

"Are you scared that what happened between your mother and I will happen with you and Isla?" Dad questioned earning Will and me to snap our necks to him.


"I am. I'm scared I will do something stupid and she will want to leave me." I whispered as I took a shaky breath.

"Do you love her?" Will asked as he stared at me.

"With my entire heart."

"Then you won't do anything stupid to hurt her Harry. You love her. I know you do." Will said before dad stood up and walked out of the room. William quickly stood up and followed him. I stood in the room for a moment before quickly running after them. I saw Dad and Harry in the jewelry room and stopped.

"When you propose I want you to give her this ring," Dad said as he placed a ring in my palm.

"This was the ring I was going to give your mother at first

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"This was the ring I was going to give your mother at first. But then she told me she enjoyed blue because it brought out her eyes. I forgot about it until last week when Camilla cleaned this room." Dad said making me smile.

"Thank you," I whispered as I held the ring in my hand. William slid over the box and I carefully placed it in.

"But when should I propose?" I asked and Dad smiled as he leaned against the counter.

"Christmas Day. When we exchange gifts. I'll call granny and have her allow Isla to come." Dad said and I smiled at him before sliding the box into my front pocket.

"Thank you, dad. It means a lot to me." I said and he smiled before patting my shoulder.

"I see how she makes you happy Harry. I know if your mother was here she would've loved her." Dad explained as he placed his hand on my cheek and stared at me.

"Do you think so?"

"Yea, mum would've loved. She would've kidnapped her to go on trips with her." Will said and I laughed softly before looking at my dad.

"You will be a wonderful husband. And hopefully a father." He said earning us to roll our eyes.

"Not this again."


I walked with Will back towards my apartment knowing that both the girls would be there. When I unlocked the door three heads popped up on the couch and Will chuckled when we saw Sarah, Kate and Isla were watching Family Guy and eating pizza.

"You couldn't wait for us?" I asked as I took my jacket off and placed it on the back of the couch.

"No. We thought you were going to be at your fathers' all day." Kate said as she stood up and hugged Will.

"No. He just wanted to speak to us about a couple of things before saying we could leave." I said as I walked over to Isla. She lifted her head up and smiled before kissing my cheek.

"Hello love, how was your father's?" She asked as Sarah paused the t.v

"He just wanted to ask us a couple of questions about our public outings," I said and Isla smiled at me.

"Can't we take a break. I just finished a baby shower today and I have another one in two days." Isla whined as she wrapped her arms around my neck earning me to chuckle.

"I know darling. We tried talking to him." I said as she huffed before resting her head in between my neck.

"So what are you two doing for your one year?" Sarah asked and Isla quickly pulled away from me with a raised eyebrow.

"That is a surprise. I got the entire day and night off." I said with a grin.

"It better not be something stupid." She said before Buddy began barking from his bed by the television.

"See even the dog agrees," Isla said earning me to roll my eyes softly before I made my way into the bedroom. I took the box out of my pocket and placed it under the loose floorboard. I smiled as I covered it back up.

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