Chapter Seventy-Seven: Easter Service 2013

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Isla of Sussex

March 31st, 2013

It was the last day of March and still, my child did not want to make its way into the world. I rolled my eyes as I walked down the street with Harry, Beatrice, Mike, and Zara.

"Still no sign of the baby?" Mike asked and I shook my head.

"Nope, my child is being stubborn. Like it's father." I said and Harry raised an eyebrow at me.

"I will ignore this because you are moody." He said before he kissed my forehead.

"I hope when I get pregnant my child comes to the world on its due date. When was your due day?" Zara asked as we turned left and began walking down the street to the church.

"Yesterday, my due date was yesterday. I have done everything the doctor has said to do. Walks, spicy food, and I have drunk every single tea. Harry, you will never touch me again." I said and Beatrice let out a laugh before we got to the church and we all began to line up. With Harry and I in the front.

When Her Majesties car pulled up I smiled at her and Prince Phillip came out of the car. As protocol when she walked by everyone was to bow or curtsy to her.

When she got to Harry and me, I kissed both her cheeks and curtsied to her. I hugged Prince Phillip before Her Majesty looked at me.

"Still no baby?" She asked and I shook my head as I linked arms with Harry.

"No, my child wants to make a grand entrance," I said and she smiled before she turned to the head Father and shook his head.

"Don't worry ducky. Charles was late as well. Babies choose when they want to come into the world. We can't force them." Phillip said and I stared at him for a moment before smiling.

"The baby is a day late. The doctor said I can only be a week overdue. Then they will induce me." I said and Harry smiled before he squeezed my hand.

"It won't come to that. The baby could come tomorrow for all we know. But hopefully not because then everyone will think we are lying." He said before we followed Her Majesty inside the church.

"Aren't those the children that sang at our wedding?" I asked and Harry nodded as the kids waved to us. I followed Harry into the pew behind Her Majesty and Phillip. I patted the seat next to me so Eugenie could sit next to us but she shook her head.

"Granny invited someone she thinks you will enjoy seeing before you start your maternity leave." She said and I raised an eyebrow at her before I looked behind her and saw Louis.

"Louis?" I whispered and he smiled before he slid in beside me

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"Louis?" I whispered and he smiled before he slid in beside me.

"Thought it would be forever before I saw you." He said and I stood up and pulled him into a hug and held him close to me.

"God, I've missed you," I whispered and I felt his chest vibrate with laughter before we pulled apart.

"Are you crying Isla?" He asked and I shook my head as I shoved him.

"No, Louis this is my husband Harry," I said and the two of them shook hands and I laughed before we all sat down.

"So what happens during one of these services? I haven't been to church since I was seventeen." Louis asked and I rolled my eyes.

"This is my first Easter Service, you will have to ask Harry."

"Well, first is the singing. That's about half an hour. Then three fathers come up one at a time and give their sermons. After that the children over there sing and then we can leave." Harry explained and Louis nodded.

"Someone pinch me if I fall asleep."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Two Hours Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I held hands with Harry as we made our way back outside. This would be my last engagement and I start my maternity leave today. I hugged everyone goodbye before we all stood and bowed to Her Majesty as she left to go back to Buckigham Palace.

"So do you feel any different?" Louis asked as we all turned and made our way back up the street.

"I'm still the same Isla, Louis, Only thing that has changed is that I married a royal." I said and he rolled his eyes at me.

"That isn't what I meant. I meant it in pregnancy wise. Was it horrible like Maddy's pregnancy?"

"No, I always thought the first one would be the worst. But after the first three months of dizziness, it was smooth sailing. Harry was a big help." I said and Harry winked at me from where he was walking with Edward and Sophie.

"Isla! When will the baby be here?" Louise asked as she turned around and reached for my hand.

"Any day now. The baby just needs a little bit more time before it wants to come." I said and she smiled before hugging my stomach. I froze for a moment before I hugged her back.

"Come on Louise. Say goodbye to Isla and Louis." Sophie called out and Louise let go of me before hugging Louis and then running to her parents. I held the flowers in my hand before leading Louis to mine and Harry's car.

"Are you positive we can't drop you off back at the home?" Harry asked and Louis shook her head.

"No, I'm going to meet up with some of the guys." He said and I rolled my eyes before I pulled him into a hug.

"Don't get into any trouble, Louis. I might be pregnant but I'll beat your arse." I said and he chuckled before we pulled apart and he bowed his head to Harry and me.

"I know you will. Take care of them, Harry." He said before I climbed into the car and my security guy closed the door.

"So are you ready to start your maternity leave?" Harry asked as we began our way back to the palace.

"Yes, yes I am. I can wear jeans and flats now." I said and Harry rolled his eyes before he leaned over and grabbed my hand.

"Now we can prepare for the baby."

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