Chapter Eighty-Nine: Seeing Andrew

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Isla of Sussex

June 18th, 2013

I loaded Diana's diaper bag into the front seat before turning and grabbing Diana's car seat from Harry.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" He asked and I shook my head as I clipped Diana in and turned to fix Harry's tie.

"No, you have your event with your grandmother and I do not want you to miss this. I need to do this Harry and by myself." I said and he inhaled deeply before holding me closely.

"I will be there in a heartbeat. Call me if anything." He said and I nodded before he opened my door and I climbed in and started the car. I quickly pulled onto the street and then onto the highway.

Andrew was renting a small townhouse in Brighton which was about thirty minutes away from the palace. Thank God Diana was asleep when we left the house because I do not know what I would do if she had a meltdown during the car ride.

I pulled in front of Andrew's address which I had to practically pry out of my mother's hands. I took a deep breath before getting out of the car and going to Diana's side.

She was looking around when I grabbed her bag and then her car seat.

"Let's go meet your uncle and hopefully he will be understanding," I said to her as we walked up the walkway and I went to knock on the door but it was thrown open and I saw Andrew.

"Isla." He whispered and I smiled softly at him.

"I thought you would want to meet your niece," I whispered and he smiled as he looked down at the car seat and smiled softly. He reached over and I let him take the car seat out of my arms as he led the two of us inside.

This townhouse was much like the one he had when he was kicked out of the house when he was eighteen and I was sixteen. His sitting room had a television in it unlike how we grew up. Then all of his furniture seemed to be new.

"How long have you been here?" I asked as I sat down and watched as he took Diana out. He did it with such ease that I couldn't help but smiled.

"About since you gave birth. I only told mum and I didn't know what she would give it to you or not." He said and I smiled softly.

"You know how that woman is. I had to pry it out of her arms." I said as I tried to look for photos. I stopped when I spotted one and got up to grab it.

"We could always fake a smile couldn't we?" I said as I traced over the photo

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"We could always fake a smile couldn't we?" I said as I traced over the photo.

"They weren't the best of the parents. But we did the best we could." Andrew said and I looked at him.

"It wasn't all that bad. I had a big brother to protect me from everything." I said and Andrew stared at me for a moment before nodding.

"I hope you know how sorry I am for everything that has happened Isla. I didn't plan on faking my death and leaving everyone." He said and I stared at him for a moment before looking down at Diana.

She watched my brother with such fascination in her eyes. She reached out to grasped his shirt and slightly push herself up.

"I didn't come here to argue Andrew. I have loved you all my life and when you died it killed me. I locked myself in my apartment for weeks and I wouldn't come out." I said as I felt the tears well up in my eyes.

"But I am not here to fight. Theo misses his dad. He wants you to go see him and spend time with him. I miss my brother. The one I knew and loved." I said and Andrew watched me before nodding.

"I haven't been over to Maddy's house because I do not want to meet her new boyfriend." He said and I chuckled.

"He makes her happy. It's all we can wish for." I said and he nodded before holding Diana up.

"She is a beauty. She looks like Princess Diana." He said and I let out a loud laugh.

"Hence why we named her that," I said and he smirked.

"You have always been wonderful with children," Andrew said and I nodded.

"I want you to be in her life, Andrew. That's why I came over here today." I said and before he could say anything my phone began to ring. I pulled my phone out and sighed when I saw it was the Queens office.

I held up a finger to Andrew who nodded as I pressed to answer.


"Isla! It's Christopher. Her Majesty was wondering if you could come by the office in two days for her to give you a crown of your own." He said and I was shocked.

"My own crown? Do you mean to loan?" I asked and I heard him chuckle.

"No, for you to own yourself. The Spencer Tiara is already your own until Charles Spencer calls it back. Her Majesty believes you should have yours from our family." He said and I smiled softly.

"In two days? Can you forward all that information to my secretary Sarah?"

"Of course. See you in two days." He said before I ended the call. I looked to Andrew who raised an eyebrow.

"I am getting my own crown from the Queen."

"Wow, you really must be her favorite like everyone says." He said as he slipped Diana into her car seat. I watched to see her fast asleep with a smile on her face.

"When she sleeps she reminds me so much of Harry. It gets annoying sometimes." I said and Andrew chuckled.

"Maddy hated the smell of me cooking. She said my scent mixed with food annoyed her." He said and I laughed.

"Zara, Harry's older cousin, is pregnant. It was just announced and she makes Mike take three showers a day because the smell bothers her." I said and Andrew shook her head.

"So many babies coming soon. You just gave birth, doesn't look like it. Catherine is giving birth next month and now Zara." He said making me smile.

"The babies will be best of friends. Diana and the new baby will be three months apart." I said and Andrew chuckled.

"Theo tells me he loves going over. He can play with the baby and help around the house." He said and I nodded as I curled on the couch.

"He is the reason I can take naps."

A/N: hi guys. Just wanted to pop in her quickly and ask you guys to go check out my new story The Mistress of King Henry VIII. Love you all

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