Chapter Ninety: Picking Out My New Crown and receiving new Patronages

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Isla of Sussex

June 20th, 2013

I stepped out of the car and looked up at Buckingham Palace with a slight smile.

"Hello everyone," I called out as I waved to the crowd that was always there in the morning before the doors opened and Her Majesty came out.

"Isla my love." She said and I kissed both her cheeks before I curtsied.

"Hello, Your Majesty," I said and she nodded for me to follow her inside. We both waved goodbye one last time before the door closed behind us and we began our journey to the jewelry room.

When the doors opened I gasped when I saw all the tiaras that were owned by Her Majesty lined against the wall.

"Wow," I said and she chuckled.

"Yes, it's quite the collection. I had already given permission for Catherine to use certain tiaras but I believe it's your turn to own one." She said before we stopped at an island and a maid brought a box open.

Her Majesty opened it before taking a beautiful tiara out.

"This is the Strathmore Rose Tiara and it belonged to my mother

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"This is the Strathmore Rose Tiara and it belonged to my mother. And now I want it to belong to you." She said as she motioned for me to walk over. I bent down and let her place the tiara on my head before I looked in the mirror.

"Wow, it is beautiful. Are you positive you want to give me your mother's tiara?" I asked and she nodded.

"You remind me of my mother. I want you to have this tiara Isla." She said and I took the crown off my head and gently placed it back in the box.

"It will be my honor to have this tiara, Your Majesty. Every time I wear it I will wear it with honor." I said and she smiled.

"I also called you here to give you your second patron. You will join Andrew in being co-patrons with the English National Ballet. When your maternity leave is over you could pay a visit. For now, I want you to record a message for the public." She said and I nodded as I let her lead me towards her office where a camera crew was waiting.

"Whenever you are all ready we can get started," I said as Sarah walked over and fixed my lipstick.

"In three, two, one."

"Hello everyone. For those who do not know me, I am Isla and I am the Duchess of Sussex. My late mother in law Princess Diana of Wales was a patron of the English National Ballet. After her death, her brother in law Prince Andrew took over." I began with a soft smile.

"It is with great honor and great pleasure that I announce I will become a co-patron to the English National Ballet. Before my maternity leave is over I will pay a visit to the English National Ballet School and hopefully meet you all. Thank you so much for this opportunity and have a wonderful day." I said as I waved to the camera.

"That was wonderful. You did an amazing job Isla." Her Majesty said and I smiled.

"Thank you. I always felt comfortable in front of a camera." I said and she nodded.

"I have one more patronage for you. I heard when you were younger how you were in a band. For that, you will pick up another of Diana's old patronage. The National Children's Orchestra of Great Britain." She said and I smiled.

"Your Majesty, you are too kind," I said but she shook her head.

"Nonsense. You have been a royal for over one year now. You need these patronages. More will come. Now record your second message." She said and I quickly shrugged my jacket off and gave it to Sarah.

The cameraman held up his fingers for the countdown and I smiled.

"Hello everyone, my name is Isla. When I was around fifteen years old a group of friends and I came up with a brilliant idea to form a band. Which we did and we would play at one another's birthday parties and such. I enjoy the love of music and the love of instruments." I began as I looked towards the camera.

"I even learned how to play the piano along with the guitar. So without delaying this message even longer, I am here to announce my third patronage for The National Children's Orchestra of Great Britain. I look forward to meeting the children there and learning what you know. I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed day." I said before the red light was gone and I could stand up.

"Isla, you are truly a natural in front of the camera." Her Majesty said and I smiled at her.

"Thank you. Sometimes I get nervous but usually, when I am by myself I am okay." I said and she smiled at me.

"You did great. Here is the crown. If you ever need it to be clean send it back here." She said and I grabbed the box carefully.

"Thank you again, Granny, for this tiara," I said and Her Majesty smiled at me as she patted my arm.

"You deserve it Isla. Give Diana a hug and kiss for me." She said and I nodded as I kissed both her cheeks and bowed my head before making my way outside where the car was waiting for me.

"Home ma'am?"

"Yes, let's go home," I said as I held the box close to me on my lap.

When we stopped in front of the palace Harry was waiting for me with Diana and opened the door for me.

"Is that a tiara?"

"Yes, one that was your great-grandmothers," I said as we walked back inside the house. I grinned as Bud jumped up on me and I rubbed his ears.

"The Rose tiara?" He asked as I put the box down and I grabbed Diana out of Harry's arm and kissed her forehead.

"That one exactly. It's mine until she calls it back." I said and Harry chuckled as he pulled me close to him.

"Always knew we were her favorites." He said and I let out a laugh.

"Oh shut up."

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