Chapter Six: Christmas Eve

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Isla Richards

Having Sarah as my assistant for the past three weeks have been amazing. She didn't have much of a family so we were also together when I wasn't with Kate or Harry. Today was Christmas Eve and Harry was somewhere sitting with his family exchanging gifts. Sarah, Kate and I were in my office. 

Kate was in her simple black dress from coming back from church with her parents

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Kate was in her simple black dress from coming back from church with her parents. 

"So are we ordering pizza?" Kate asked as she kicked off her boots. 

"Yes. I already ordered it." Sarah said as they both sat in front of my desk. 

"Okay so in two weeks we have another fitting with the dressmaker. Then the week after that you, the queen and Will have a meeting with the cake maker." I said as I clicked through my planner. 

"Four more months until the big day!" Sarah sang with a smile. 

"I know. I'm counting the days. I'm so jealous Isla has her dress." Kate said making me laugh. 

"I still have to go for fittings until two weeks before. The dressmaker has until the middle of March to be done with your dress." I said with a smile. A knock came to the door and Sarah walked over. I saw a guard holding our pizzas and soda making me grin. 

"Thank you," Sarah said before she kicked the door closed and brought us the food. 

"I'm starving," Kate said as she dived in for the cheese pizza. We all sat around eating before a buzz came from my intercom. 

"Hello?" I asked as I pressed the red button and then let it go. 

"Isla, it's me, Harry. You and Kate need to come to the red drawing room for your presents" Harry said and I looked up to Kate who nodded. 

"Alright. We can be there in ten minutes." I said before I stood up and slipped my black suede boots on before wiping my hands of grease before turning to Sarah. 

"Start with the email list I sent you and start reviewing the guest list." I said and she nodded before walking to her small desk. Kate grabbed my hand before leading me to where the red drawing room was at. Prince Charles let us in on the first knock before kissing both our cheeks. 

"Happy Christmas girls." 

"Happy Christmas Charles." We both said before we walked towards everyone else and bowed before them. When we stood up Will and Harry walked over to us with boxes in their hands. 

"For me?" I whispered making him nod. I carefully opened up the present and gasped as I held up the necklace. 


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