Chapter Forty-Eight: Going Back to England

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Isla of Sussex

I smiled as I waved to everyone as Daniel and Victoria drove me to the airport.

"How does it feel going back?" Victoria asked making me smile.

"It feels weird. But I will see you at the wedding in about two weeks." I said with a smirk. It took ten more minutes before we reached the airport and Daniel helped Victoria and I get out the car. As Sarah came from the other car and winked.

"It was a pleasure having you here Isla. I hope you come again soon." Daniel said and I smiled.

"Actually you will see me again I asked Madeline this morning if she would be the baby's godmother. She said yes." I said and Victoria smiled.

"Oh, we get to come to England again! Oh, I am so excited." Victoria said and I smiled before she pulled me into a hug. I heard the clicking of the cameras before pulling apart.

"Be safe Isla. We will see you soon. Do not stress." Daniel said as he hugged me one last time before I turned and began my way towards the plane. I walked up the steps before I turned one last time and waved to the crowd. I heard cheering and I smiled before stepping onto the plane and the door being shut.

"Are you ready to go home?" Sarah asked and I nodded.

"I missed William and Catherine also my dog," I said before the lights flashed to put our seatbelts on.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I stepped off the plane and smiled as I saw Catherine and William waiting for me. I walked down the final steps before walking to them.

"Welcome home Isla," William said before he hugged me and kissed my cheek. I curtsied to Catherine as I am supposed to when Harry isn't here.

"Come on. Let's go home." Catherine said as my bags were loaded into the car and we were driving to the Palace.

"We saw you on the news. His Majesty said you can come even without an official visit." Catherine said and I nodded.

"Carl said that his father liked me. Also, I asked Madeline to be the baby's godmother. We bonded there." I said and William nodded.

"That's wonderful. We need a bond with Sweden. I saw your speech and have to say you did wonderfully. Did you write it?"

"No, I just thought of it while I walking up there," I said with a laugh.

"You did amazing for your first solo engagement. Not tomorrow but the day after you have an engagement with Granny. You two are going to Sandringham for two days." William said and I nodded.

"Church service and a visit or two?" I asked as he pulled into the castle.

"Yes, tomorrow night you will travel on the train with her." He said before he parked the car and helped Catherine and me out of the car.

"Bud!" I yelled as I saw my dog running to me. He jumped up and licked my face but getting down and circling me.

"He has missed you. Your mother brought him to the house this morning." Catherine said making me smile as I grabbed his leash and one of my bags and walked to my house.

"Here you go. We are going to leave you to relax." William said as he left my other two bags on the couch.

"I hate that I am back for two days and then leave him again for two," I said as I rubbed Bud.

"Welcome to the life of a Royal!" William said with a laugh before he kissed my forehead and walked out.

"Do you need help?" Catherine asked and I shook my head as I took my heels and hat off.

"No, I'm just tired. Might make myself some pasta and go to sleep. I'm still an hour ahead." I said with a laugh before I saw Catherine's serious face.

"Are you alright?" I asked and Catherine nodded.

"I've been married for over a year and I don't have a child. You are married for one month and you are with a child. It isn't fair!" She said and I let out a laugh.

"I am not going to say anything for the fact I won't waste my breath. Go home, Catherine. Get out." I said before I watched her walk out the door and close it behind her. Then the phone went off.

"Can I get a bloody break?!"


"Isla? Why do you sound angry?" Harry's voice ranged out and I smiled.

"Harry! How are you? Are you alright?" I asked as I sat on the couch.

"Yes, I just got a moment to call you. I've missed you." He said and I smiled.

"I've missed you too. Catherine just yelled at me because I was married for a moment and now I am going to have a child and she isn't." I said as Bud jumped on the couch with me.

"I'll talk to William about her. Don't let her get to you." Harry said making me smile.

"I love you, Harry."

"I love you too, Isla."

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