Chapter Eighty-Five: Back in London

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Isla of Sussex

June 9th, 2013

After getting home from Sweden it has been a crazy time. Getting fitted for my outfit for Diana's christening and then my outfit for the trooping of the colour was tiring. I felt as if I was going to drop dead.

Harry and I had Theo and James with us so they could help around the house and with Diana and Bud.

"Auntie, where are Diana's wipes?" Theo asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Under her table. Why? Did she spit up?" I asked and Theo nodded as he turned around.

"Don't worry. I got it." He said and I shook my head as I hung the last cup and grabbed the towel to wipe my hands. I leaned over to see James bouncing Diana's bouncer while he turned the tele on.

"They are both wonderful help when Alice has her days off." I heard Harry say as he walked into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around me.

"They are. James and Theo love Diana. I am just so tired." I said as I leaned my head against him.

"I know babe. So am I." He said and I sighed.

"We have her christening tomorrow. The Swedish Royals just landed according to the text Madeleine sent me." I said and Harry chuckled.

"Isla! The baby smells like poop!" I heard Theo call out and I let out a laugh as Harry unwrapped his arms before going to get Diana. I followed him and sat between the two boys on the sofa.

"Thank you guys so much for helping Harry and me today with the baby," I said and James smiled as he cuddled near me.

"I love helping with Diana. She is my goddaughter." He said and I smiled before brushing his hair back.

"She's my cousin Auntie. Of course, I am going to help out." He said and I smiled as I leaned forward and kissed his forehead.

I watched as Harry came back with both him and the baby dressed.

"Are you guys ready for our picnic outside?" Harry asked and the boys jumped up before racing to get the basket and blanket. I smiled as I took Diana from Harry and placed her so she could see everything going on.

I opened the door and the two boys ran to find a spot and I held hands with Harry as we followed them into the gardens. The boys found a spot near Queen Victoria's statue and were rolling on the ground play fighting.

"Knock it off," Harry said and James shoved Theo off of him before he helped set the blanket up with Harry. I sat down with Diana in my arms and smiled as she watched everything with amazement.

"I honestly think she loves being out here," Harry said and I nodded before turning to Theo.

"Theo, come walk with me," I said as I held my hand out to him and he followed me off to the walking path.

"You know I never hide anything from you right? So I am going, to be honest and I want you to be honest with me." I said and Theo nodded.

"After the trooping, I want to take Diana to go see your dad. And I want to know how you feel." I said and Theo smiled as he stopped walking and turned to see Diana laughing at something James did.

"I love my cousin. And I love my dad. So if you want to take her to see him I won't be mad. I just want you to make sure he knows I miss him." He said and I stared at him for a moment before I brought him in a hug and held him close.

"I love you so much," I whispered and I felt Theo wrap his arms around me.

"I love you too Auntie." He said and when we pulled apart I kissed his forehead.

"Race you back to them?" I asked and Theo grinned before he took off running and I ran after him.

He got there first put ended up slipping and I laughed as I quickly sat down and cheered.

"Not fair! I tripped." Theo said and Harry laughed.

"You won buddy. Your aunt just likes to cheat a lot." He said and I rolled my eyes before I opened the basket and handed all the boys their sandwiches before I picked up Diana and fed her bottle to her.

"Can you believe her christening is tomorrow?" He asked and I sighed.

"No, my baby is getting so big," I said and Harry shook his head.

"How do you think she is going to act?" I asked and Harry shook his head.

"The moment they pour the water on her head she is going to scream." He said and I laughed before I saw James snap his neck towards the gate.

"Why do they always take pictures of us?" He asked as he turned to us.

"Because we are royals and they want to follow everything we do. Don't be shy and don't get angry. Truly and honestly be you." I said and I brushed his hair back.

"What if they don't like the way I am?" He asked and I laughed softly.

"Screw them then. If you truly know what you want to do then keep doing it." I said and Harry nodded.

"My mum let all those comments get to her and it brought her esteem down. Be you and those comments they say won't matter." He said and I smiled as I looked down at Diana whose wide blue eyes were closing as I rocked her softly to sleep.

A/N: Hello guys just wanted to pop on here and say thank you for all the love and support here on my book. I have a new one out called The Mistress of King Henry VIII and I would appreciate it if you would go check it out.

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