Chapter Fifty-Two: Heading to Luxembourg

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Isla of Sussex

Tomorrow was the wedding of Prince Guillaume to his longtime girlfriend Stephanie. Today I will be leaving with Prince Edward and Sophie to Luxembourg. William and Eugine were bringing us to the airport so Prince Edward didn't have all the bags.

I laughed as William helped me out the car. I waved to the small crowd that was gathered. I fixed my purse before walking to them. Eugine following my lead.

"Hello, it's wonderful to see you all," I said as I shook some people's hands.

"Are you excited for the wedding?" A reported asked and I nodded as flowers were handed to me.

"I am. I get to see a lot of my friends again." I said before I saw Prince Edward nod towards the plane.

"I'm sorry I must go," I stated as I waved goodbye to everyone before walking to the plane. I hugged William goodbye.

"Be safe. Don't stress." He said and I smiled before kissing his cheek.

"I know. Take care of Bud until I get back." I whispered before turning to Eugine who smiled.

"I'll miss you, my friend," I said before we pulled apart.

"You will be back soon and we can go shop and do events together." She said and I nodded before hugging her one last time. Sophie climbed the stairs first before I joined her. Prince Edward locked up the door before smiling.

"I'm really happy you are coming with us Isla. We rarely spend time with you." Edward said as he sat in front of me with Sophie.

"I apologize for that. When you do see me it's I'm dropping off Louise and James." I said with a laugh before the light began to flash to put our seatbelts on.

"Those two love you," Sophie said with a smile.

"I know and James is so excited for the baby. He's only five and he will ask all the time, may I be the godfather." I stated with a laugh.

"He is going to love that child," Sophie said before we began to fly in the air.

"How far away is Luxembourg?"

"One hour and fifteen minutes. We will be there soon."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One hour later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I followed Sophie and Edward's lead as we walked off the plane. Walking to greet us was His Highness, Henri the Grand Duke of Luxembourg. Edward shook his hand before bowing his head.

"Isla, it is wonderful to see you again after your wedding," Henri said as he took my hand and I bowed.

"Thank you again for the lovely flowers. The lived until mid-June." I said making him laugh.

"Also, congratulations on your first child. I remember when Guillaume was born. He was so small. But welcome to Luxembourg. We have you all stationed at Grand Hotel Cravat. The Swedish royal family is there as well." Henri said as he began leading us to our car.

"We are very happy the British Royal Family is here. We all can't wait for tomorrow." Henri added and I smiled before climbing in the car. It took twenty minutes to arrive at the hotel. After Edward checked us in and we made our way to the fifteen floor.

"Isla." I heard someone call out and I grinned when I saw Madeline.

"Madeline! I'm so happy to see you

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"Madeline! I'm so happy to see you." I said as she walked over and hugged me before grabbing my suitcase.

"Hello Prince Edward, Countess Sophie," Madeline said as she bowed to Edward and Sophie.

"Madeline, how you've grown since we last saw you," Sophie said as she bowed back.

"My father and mother sent me to ask you if you would like to ride with us to the ceremony tomorrow," Madeline asked as Edward unlocked the suite I mentally sighed when I saw two rooms.

"That would be lovely Madeline. Tell their Majesties we are very honored and grateful." Edward stated and Madeline nodded before helping me to my room.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" Madeline asked and I nodded as I began putting things away.

"Are you ready to help me tonight?"

"Of course. Victoria is covering for the both of us. Mission to find your brothers home is a go." She said with a laugh.

"A part of me doesn't want to believe it. But I saw that photo. I saw my brother. I just want to know why." I whispered before I felt Madeline pull me into a hug.

"We will find out tonight. No matter what happens Isla, I am here for you." She said and I laughed before grabbing the crown box

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